Page 4 - PPP-CON 2022
P. 4

•  The Head librarian in terms of qualifications, supervisory functions and participation in
                              academic and administrative activities of the institution

                       The head librarian is holding a College Librarian II position and is designated as University Director for
                   Library Services and Campus Librarian.  She is a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd), major
                   in Library Science & minor in English.  She finished her Master in Library & Information Science (MLIS) at
                   Saint Paul University Philippines in 2015 and her Master of Arts in Education with Specialization in English
                   at the University of Cagayan Valley, Tuguegarao City in March 2004; and Doctor of Philosophy major in
                   Educational Management in 2010.  She is a licensed librarian and a licensed teacher.  Her supervisory
                   functions include the following: a) plans development programs for the library and provides direction,
                   control  and  supervision  over  the  activities  of  the  library;  b)  plans  and  recommends  policies  for  the
                   improvement of the library to be able to support the academic programs of the university; c) coordinate
                   the work of the office with the different units and departments affected by the library operations; d)
                   supervises the activities and evaluates services of the library staff; e)  supervises the implementation of
                   the  Library  Development  Plan,  Action  Plan,  Project  Management  Procurement  Plan  and  prepares
                   collection analysis of library materials and determines what are to be weeded out;  and f) does other works
                   related to library activities. She has been invited as Resource Speaker in librarianship in both local and
                   national. At present, she is the Press Information Officer of the PLAI- Cagayan Valley Region Librarians
                   Council (CaVRLC).

                          ❖ OUTCOMES

                                  ▪  Evidences that the goals and objectives of the library are satisfactorily

                                      Evidences to show that the goals and objectives of the library are satisfactorily
                                  attained are statistical reports on the utilization of the different services offered and
                                  evaluations made on the different student services which include the library.
                                  Evaluation results showed that students are satisfied with the services of the library.

                          ❖ BEST PRACTICES

                                  ▪  On library governance, decision-making is shared or consensus.  Any issues that may
                                      rise regarding library services will be discussed together and must be agreed upon by
                                      library staff before a decision is made.

                                  ▪  Reports/accomplishments of the library are regularly submitted to higher authorities
                                      to inform them of the status of the library services.


                          ❖ SYSTEM – INPUTS AND PROCESSES

                               ▪  Plantilla of Personnel of the Library

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