Page 127 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 127
⮚ Cite as many as you can on Parameter G (Salaries, Fringe Benefits and Incentives)
The budget for salaries and benefits of teachers and other personnel in the SUCs, increased
as the Salary Standardization Law under the administration of President Aquino was approved.
Likewise, salaries of ISU Staff and personnel were given on time. Benefits and incentives
were based on institution and national policies. Other benefits and incentives were subject to the
institution’s policies and availability of funds.
⮚ Present Institutional Guidelines/Policies on Work Ethics, Attendance in Classes, Submission
of Academic Reports and Decorum.
Attendance. The dean/department chairperson monitors absences and tardiness as recorded on the Daily
Time Record of faculty members while the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs monitors
absences and tardiness from classes of full-time and part-time faculty members. The latter summarizes
and implements the corresponding offenses and sanctions.
Regardless of the number of teaching load and time schedule, a faculty member can be tardy from the
class for a maximum of ten (10) minutes within a semester for all classes that he/she is teaching without
penalty, except verbal reminders or reprimands from the department chairman and/or dean.
On the 11th tardiness, a faculty member will be given a formal warning from the office of the VP – Academic
Affairs, with the following copies furnished; one (1) copy to the President, one (1) copy to the faculty
member concerned; and one (1) copy to the faculty member’s file at the Personnel Office.
20 | Page- OBQA-PPP / Area II: The Faculty/BPA