Page 128 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 128

On the 13th tardiness, a full-time faculty member will be de-loaded by at least three (3) units for the
                          succeeding semester. A part-time faculty member will not be rehired for the succeeding term, except in
                          the case of exigency of needs, he/she may be hired with, at least, three (3) units less than his/her teaching
                          load during the present semester when such 13th tardiness occurred.

                          Submission of Grades. The following Table of Sanctions shall be imposed upon faculty members for late
                          submission of grades.

                          Offense                  Full-time                           Part-time
                          1st Offense              Warning                             Warning
                          2nd, 3rd, 4th offense     Suspension                         Suspension
                          5th Offense              Deload by three units for term      Three (3) units for term
                          6th offense              No more overload for the following term   Not to be hired:
                                                   case to case basis

                              The registrar shall issue the sanctions of Warning and Reprimands, with the copies each to the VP –
                          Academic Affairs, Deans and Department Chairperson. Penalties for deloading or non-rehiring shall be
                          coursed through the Dean and Department Chairperson concerned and shall be discussed in the Faculty
                          Status Board.

                          ⮚  Present legal documents that contain policies on professionalism adopted by the Institutions
                              (RA 6713 & Code of Ethics of the Profession).

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