Page 133 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 133
⮚ Formulating, updating and enriching of syllabi
Reminders in the form of memoranda and announcements during meetings are
issued from the office of the dean to the faculty to prepare syllabus for each of their assigned
subjects. The syllabi are approved by the dean and copies are required to be submitted as
files and for distribution to students at the start of classes. These are checked during class
supervision/observation undertaken by the department chairman and the dean.
⮚ Class preparation
1. Teaching assignments are based on faculty specialization.
2. Teaching schedule and faculty assignments are provided by the program chair.
3. Classroom assignment and distribution of faculty teaching load is done by the college
4. Syllabus prepared by the faculty serves as a guide in class preparation.
5. Teaching- learning materials are to be prepared by the faculty concerned prior to the time
set of the class.
6. Teaching strategies are specified in the syllabus.
7. Student evaluation to the faculty includes class preparation as reflected in the mastery of
the subject as one of the evaluation criteria, hence effective performance is also assessed.
8. Announced and unannounced class observation is being done by the program chair.
⮚ Testing and evaluation of learning outcomes
Testing of students is being reflected in the syllabi of faculty members. Testing is done
using different methods and techniques depending on the demand/nature of the subject. The
equivalent grades of the students as a result of the testing are summarized in a grading sheet
duly checked by the program chair, counterchecked by the college secretary, noted by the dean
and submitted to the registrar’s office.
⮚ Other faculty – related activities (e.g. OJT, Practicum, RLE, Off Campus Teaching et.)
Not Applicable
⮚ Cite instances or manifestations of professionalism among faculty.
As faculty members, they serve as a role model to the students. To retain the respect of the
students and colleagues and provide students with the best education possible, they demonstrate
professionalism in all aspects of their career.
A teacher's appearance plays a role in conveying professionalism. Faculty members were
required to wear uniform and ID (except for special cases e.g. pregnant, etc.).
When it comes to interacting with students, they understand that there is a fine line between being
a caring adult and being a friend. They do not let their desire to be liked by students get in the way of
enforcing classroom and school rules. They do not show favoritism or discriminate against students. When
it comes to instruction, they believe all students have the ability to learn and succeed, and fills the lesson
with strategies and materials to help make that happen.
Faculty members strive to interact effectively with one another. They collaborate to share teaching
strategies, analyze data and discuss issues with the curriculum.
26 | Page- OBQA-PPP / Area II: The Faculty/BPA