Page 134 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 134

The institution requires the faculty members to participate in ongoing professional development
                          programs to maintain their certification. They are committed to staying up-to-date on best practices and
                          other  strategies  for  teaching.  They  regularly  read  books,  magazines  and  blogs  about  education  and
                          leadership, and conduct research to help improve their teaching methods and the performance of their
                          students. They attend conferences, sometimes even as a presenter, and join professional organizations
                          to connect with others in the field.
                                 Additionally, faculty members regularly went to their classes regardless of their other duties. They
                          come to work on time as reflected in their DTRs and submit required academic reports before the deadline.
                   4.  BEST PRACTICES

                          ⮚  Cite as many best practices as you can on Parameter H (Professionalism).
                                 Faculty  members  manifest  professionalism  in  every  aspect  of  their  work.  They  show
                          professionalism in dealing with students, colleagues, administrators, supervisors and others. They submit
                          required  reports  on  time  as  reflected  in  their  IPCR.  Other  indicators  can  be seen  in  their  individual
                          performance evaluations.

                   5.  EXTENT OF COMPLIANCE with the Team Recommendations for Area II – Faculty in the last Survey Visit.

                          ⮚  Present  the  status  of Compliance  Matrix  of  Area II  focusing on  interventions  done  on  the

                           AACCUP ACCREDITOR’S                  ACTION/EVIDENCES           PERCENTAGE
                            RECOMMENDATIONS                                                 COMPLIANCE

                    1.  The  University  may  observe  strict  The BPA is compliant with the four (4)   100%
                    compliance of policy of a maximum of four  teaching  preparations  for  faculty
                    (4) teaching preparations within a semester  members within a semester.
                    as  prescribed  in  the  CMO  and  Faculty

                    2. Matrix of different teaching strategies and  Matrix  of  different  teaching  strategies   100%
                    approaches  used  in  the  different subjects  used  by  BPA  faculty  members  is
                    may be made available and documented.    properly documented

                    3.  The  course  syllabi  may  be  regularly  Course syllabi in the BPA program are   100%
                    updated                              regularly updated.

                    4. Encourage faculty members to secure a  BPA  faculty  members  have  existing   100%
                    copyright  for  their  instructional  materials  instructional  materials  ready  for
                    like  work  text,  books,  manuals  with  the  critiquing  by  the  campus  instructional
                    support of the administration        material and development committee in
                                                         preparation for copyright securing.

                    5. Photos/pictorials may be made available  Proper  documentation  of  all  College-  100%
                    in  every  activity  of  the  College  in  for  based  activities  in  both  curricular  and
                    a/seminars, faculty meetings and the like.   extracurricular   are   properly
                    6. Supporting documents e.g. PDS, faculty  All pertinent documents in the college   100%
                    workloads  should  be  signed  by  the  are  properly  signed  by  concerned
                    authorities concerned.               authorities.

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