Page 135 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 135

                            RECOMMENDATIONS                                                 COMPLIANCE
                    7. Each faculty member is encouraged to  BPA faculty members have presented   100%
                    present    research    papers    in  researches in national/international fora
                    national/international for a.        and have submitted research output for
                                                         journal publication.
                    8.  The  University  may  consider  the  All job vacancies of the University are   100%
                    internet/school  website  to  announce  job  properly disseminated and publicized.
                    vacancies  for  teaching  positions  in  the

                    9.  The  University  may  observe  strict  The BPA is compliant with the four (4)   100%
                    compliance of policy of a maximum of four  teaching  preparations  for  faculty
                    (4) teaching preparations within a semester  members within a semester.
                    as  prescribed  in  the  CMO  and  Faculty

                              Duly Accomplished Self-Survey Instrument

               ⮚  Present the Summary of Findings and Recommendations for AREA II (Faculty) during the Level III in terms


                   1.  The University has an adequate number of faculty members with appropriate qualification to handle
                       the professional and major subjects.
                   2.  The University has a strong Faculty Development Program that looks into the faculty’s professional
                       growth and development.
                   3.  The University adopts and implements policies and procedures in selecting and promoting faculty
                       members based on the approved merit system.
                   4.  The faculty members are actively involved in extension and outreach activities that are relevant to
                       the program.
                   5.  Workload units that exceed the minimum of twenty-one (21) are compensated through granting
                       them honorarium.
                   6.  Recognition is given to the faculty members for their exemplary service/performance rendered in
                       instruction, research and extension.

                   Areas Needing Improvement

                   1.  Faculty members carry 5-6 teaching preparations.
                   2.  Matrix of different teaching strategies and approaches used in different subjects is not available.
                   3.  The course syllabi is not regularly updated.
                   4.  Instructional Materials and books developed by the faculty are not copyrighted.
                   5.  There is a lack of documents on activities of the College in for a/seminar, faculty meetings and the
                   6.  Some supporting documents (e.g. PDS, faculty workloads) are not properly signed.
                   7.  Limited number of faculty members have presented papers in national/international for a.
                   8.  There is no evidence showing the use of internet/school website to announce vacancies for
                       teaching positions in the University.

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