Page 98 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 98


                          ⮚  Cite as many best practices as you can on Parameter E (Faculty Development)

                              ISU recognizes the necessity to upgrade the faculty’s competencies and strengthen their skills in their
                       respective fields of expertise. After all, the faculty is the backbone of any University.
                              The University is implementing a strong Faculty Development Program consistent with the principle
                       of verticalized expertise development to assure that subjects taught by faculty members are aligned with their
                       fields of specialization
                              Strengthening the University’s curricular offerings mean continuous upgrading and honing on the
                       part of the faculty members. Hence, avenues for faculty development were explored: they were encouraged
                       to participate in seminars and trainings appropriate to their academic assignments conducted locally and
                       internationally.  Through  a  variety  of  platforms,  they  presented  their  researches,  conferred  with  other
                       professionals in their field and built linkages.
                              The University has always supported the continuing development and career advancement of the
                       faculty by financing their graduate studies to enable them to assume greater responsibilities. From the very
                       beginning, faculty members were given various forms of support. Some were given university scholarships,
                       research grants and incentives. Trainings and seminars were also funded by the university.


                   1.  SYSTEM-INPUTS AND PROCESSES

                          ⮚  Present relevant Institutions policies on professional performance and scholarly works.
                              To support the professional growth of teachers and staff, the Instructional Material Development
                              Committee (IMDC) was created.


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