Page 99 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 99

The Instructional Material Development Committee (IMDC) shall support the professional growth of teachers
               and staff to develop and produce multi-media learning resources that will contribute to the transformation of the youth
               into competent, innovative, and technology-literate citizens.

                       The Instructional Material Development Committee seeks to provide an  alternative and innovative delivery
               system that will produce relevant and state-of-the-art instructional materials for student and faculty consumption.

                       The Instructional Material Development Committee (IMDC) aims to:
                   1.   formulate  policies  and  guidelines  on  the  review,  patenting,  and  circulation  of  teacher-made  instructional
                   2.   initiate  trainings  to  hone  faculty  and  students  in  courseware  development  and  instructional  material
                   3.   coordinate  with  the  university  administrators  the proper  implementation  of  IMDC  programs  and  efficient
                        utilization of the IMDC’s learning resources;
                   4.   evaluate, recommend and approve various instructional materials;
                   5.   recommend the publication of instructional materials;
                   6.   provide copies of produced instructional materials to the library, and
                   7.   conduct researches in courseware development, acceptability of instructional materials, etc.

                   2.  IMPLEMENTATION

                          ⮚  Consolidate  the  resources  used  and/or  prepared  by  faculty  to  enhance  teaching-learning

                                  Name of Faculty        Subject       ICT Resources     Institutional Materials
                                                                          Utilized              Used

                               1.Baquiran, Nicanor D.   PA 215       Virtual Platform (ISU
                                                     PA 222           ORANGE, Google
                                                     PA Elective 3    Classroom, Zoom,
                                                     PA Elective 4                         Books, Hand-outs,
                                                     PA 312               Edmodo)              Modules
                                                                        LCD Projector,

                               2. Gallena, Jose P. Jr.   PA 213      Virtual Platform (ISU-
                                                     GEC 7            ORANGE, Google
                                                     PA 311           Classroom, Zoom,     Books, Hand-outs,
                                                                          Edmodo)              Modules
                                                                     LCD Projector, audio-
                                                                       visual equipment

                               3. Manaligod, Joana D.   PA 221       Virtual Platform (ISU-
                                                     PA 323           ORANGE, Google
                                                     PA – 421         Classroom, Zoom,     Books, Hand-outs,
                                                     PA 224A
                                                     PA 412               Edmodo)              Modules
                                                     PA 413          LCD Projector, audio-
                                                     PA 414            visual equipment

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