Page 104 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
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ISU-GK Bayani April 16, Virtual BPA students - BPA students and IPAG-ISU and GK
Empowerment activity. 2021 and faculty faculty
ISU-GK Pinuno Camp. It March 22- IPAG- All BPA//BAPA 3,000 PAS Students, faculty & staff
aims to develop and build 23, 2019 CBAPA, students of IPAG-CBAPA, ISU
character among student ISU,
volunteers. Echague,
Profiling: Conduct of November Gawad To determine the needs of the GK residents, the group tapped the senior BAPA
Survey on GK Residents 21, 2018 Kalinga students in the conduct of the survey. Forty households were surveyed by the
(GK) team. Through the help of the College Extension Coordinator, survey
Village, questionnaires will be submitted to IICT for assistance in the tabulation of
San gathered data. Processed data will be used by the team in ascertaining the
Fabian, needed livelihood programs of the GK residents.
PinasForward Forum October 6, De This activity was intended for the students of the University who are partners of the
2018 Venecia Institute in delivering extension programs and projects to the GK residents. The
Hall, forum aims to inspire the youth to become socially relevant digital citizens.
Kalinga sa Bayan at June 30, GK Village, IPAG-ISU headed by Dr. Joan Tomas and staff, MPA, DPA, and BAPA students,
Paraisong Pambata 2018 San CoEd, LGU Echague, and the GK Regional Team jointly organized the Program.
Fabian, Livelihood program was introduced to women particularly mothers while
Echague, kids/children enjoyed listening to stories and parlor games. School supplies were
Isabela also distributed to children.
This is part of the empowerment
Community Health April 28, Gawad The program was organized by IPAG faculty, staff, and students as part of
Outreach Program 2018 Kalinga strengthening and empowering the residents of GK Village in partnership with the
(GK) Local Government Unit of Echague and Philippine Association of Medical
Village, Technologists (PAMET) INC. The graduate students (DPA & MPA), spearheaded
San the said activity.
Attendance at the 5th January The summit was attended by Ms. Julie Ann Dela Cruz, MPA student & ISU Staff
Global Social Business 19-21, which aims to share insights and experiences ranging from hunger & conflict to
Summit 2018 family & volunteerism from those who have been affected, inspired & transformed
by the work and the people
Consultation meeting with Oct. 10, ISU LGU in general ISU University ISU, GK, LGU Cauayan
the National Officers of 2017 Echague and the local Officials and PA,
GK and community who IPAG Faculty
Cauayan will benefit from
City the undertaking
Developing Student ISU-IPAG and GK
Participation in the End Aug. 8, Benguet, PA student PA Students:
Hunger Summit 2017 Benguet volunteers Vicente Quilang
Arvin Jong Lago
Laymar Immapi
Henjie Madayag
Participation in the GK May 10- Pilillia, PA student PA Students:
Bayani Challenge 14, 2017 Rizal volunteers Vicente Quilang
Arvin Jong Lago
Laymar Immapi
Henjie Madayag
Abhie Jane Lasam
Cian Artataes
Jessica Balmores
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