Page 105 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 105

Coordinator: Ms.
                                                                                Jessica C.
                 ISU-GK Youth Camp. The   June 16-  CPA, ISU,   PA student      PA Students:     ISU and GK
                 group  who  attended  the   17, 2017   Echague   volunteers
                 GK  Bayani  Challenge  in                                    Coordinators: Ms.
                 Rizal  cascaded  to  the                                       Jessica C.
                 University what they have                                   Managuelod, Prof.
                 learned from the training                                     Reario, and Dr.
                 cum  immersion.  The                                           Carinugan
                 same  was  conducted  in
                 the 2-day activity
                 Tambayan Session. GK   July 11,   CPA, ISU,   PA student      PA    Students   ISU, GK and LGU
                 Northern Luzon       2017    Echague    volunteers         Coordinator:   Ms.    Echague
                 Coordinator Sir Mark and                                   Jessica      C.
                 GK Movement Head Sir                                       Managuelod
                 Anthony came over to
                 meet the ISU-PA student
                 volunteers.  This a group
                 meeting of student
                 volunteers to discuss
                 relevant matters about
                 governance and
                 MOU Signing. This is to   March 18,   ISU                  ISU  OIC  President,   ISU and GK
                 officially seal our   2017   Echague                       PA-IPAG Faculty:
                 partnership with GK                                         Dr. Emilia Martinez,
                                                                              Dr. Carinugan, Dr.
                                                                             Perez, Prof. Reario,
                                                                             Graduate Students,
                                                                              and GK Northern
                                                                             Luzon Coordinator
                                                                               Mr. Armando
                                                                              Cabillion and GK
                                                                             Echague President
                                                                             Ms. Glecilda Capia

                       3. OUTCOMES

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