Page 107 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 107


                          ⮚  Cite  as  many  best  practices  as  you  can  on  Parameter  F  (Professional  Performance  and
                              Scholarly Works)

                                 ISU is mandated to generate scientific knowledge and innovations which are the driving force for
                          economic growth and development especially for our home province of Isabela. Hence, the programs’
                          faculty members were encouraged and even pushed to conduct, present and publish researches and
                          production projects to various institutional, regional, national and international fora.

                                 Faculty members conduct language and literature researches and encouraged to present their
                          proposals and completed studies in the Agency-In-House review of the university. Upon approval of their
                          researches, funding was next. Likewise, papers presented to different fora were funded by the university.

                                 The  researches  of  the  Bachelor  of  Public  Administration  faculty members  were  published  in
                          international journals.

                                 Instructional Materials prepared by faculty members to enhance teaching-learning were approved
                          by the Instructional Material Development Unit (IMDU) of the College.
                                 Additionally, faculty members were engaged in extension projects. They were tapped as lecturer
                          in the Philippine Councilors League Legislative Academy of Region 02, consultants, project managers,
                          coaches, trainers, resource persons, judges and others.

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