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IIWBD Zeny Farcon, in her inspirational
speech, recognized PNP Bibi Jarin, the
nine District Chairmen and the members
at large, especially her Inner Wheel Club
of Marikina,
for their rapid reaction to the call for
assistance to the Frontliners. The
Frontliners, our present-day heroes, were
experiencing lack of the necessary
personal protective equipment and
sustenance while responding to the over-
International Inner Wheel President Bina whelming demands of their work. She
Vyas of India said that today's leaders must said that the International Inner Wheel
bring positive change among people. As the Board were impressed with her report and
third-largest organization present in 103 the action photos of the projects
countries in the world, International Inner undertaken by the IWCPI during the initial
Wheel Clubs, Inc. will achieve the following phase of the pandemic. One of the Board
goals for IWY 2020-2021: Directors even requested her to share
those photos to be shown to her own
1. Increase membership by five members Club. Thus, her response to the question,
per club “Is Inner Wheel still relevant?” was a
resounding YES!
2. Make new generation clubs with
members from ages 18 years to 25 years
3. Include Sustainable Development Goals
(UN-SDGs) in all the clubs' service projects
such as Youth Development Women
4. Development Caring for Sr. Citizens
5. Water and Sanitation
President Vyas said that Leadership Training
Program would also be provided to all Inner
Wheel Club members. Furthermore, she
said that change offered new horizons and
opportunities. Leading positive change
could serve more for humanity. She
challenged the members to embark on the
beautiful mission of Lead the Change