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                                         The Stellar Marilyn " Malen "Rosales-Ang
                                            by Vice-District Chairman Rose Celis

         To many of us, Malen R. ANG  is a                                          touched  during  her  lifetime.
         star... but she  is no    ordinary star.
                                                                                    She will not be forgotten for her
         She is a star who did not compete                                          invaluable    help   to   many
         with  the  others;    she  shined,
                                                                                    disadvantaged  students  for  her
         though  much  brighter,  emitting  a                                       gift  of  education,  for  the
         sparkle of her own.  She made her                                          countless      infirmed     and
         presence felt wherever she went.
                                                                                    marginalized  fellowmen  whose
         In the words of Amit Ray, she was                                          health she helped restored; for
         one  imbued  with  compassion,  a
                                                                                    the  unwanted  elders  who
         value  that  made  her  resilient,                                         experienced  the  care  and
         caring,  creative,  and  productive.                                       comfort  of  a  home;  for  the
         It  created  in  her  persona  a
                                                                                    destitute whom she lifted from
         different  attitude,  a  level  of                                         suffering and hunger;  and,  for
         maturity,  and  understanding.  She
                                                                                    her  generous  donations  to
         admirably  did  things  with  much                                         different   parishes,   religious
         passion  and  dedication,  which                                           orders,   and    various    civic
         made her stand out in any crowd.
                                                                                    organizations.      Those  who
         She chose not to be indifferent to                                         benefitted  from  her  generosity
         any  cause  but  endeavoured  to
                                                                                    and charities have reserved for
         make  a  difference.  During  her                                          her  a  special  place  in  their
         term  as  District  Chairman,  she                                         hearts.
         ably  steered  the  Inner  Wheel
         Clubs  D380  to  productivity  and                                         Her     Righteous    Team     of
         greatness.  After  her  tenure,  she                                       Presidents,  I  included,  will
         continued  to  assume  greater                                             always  cherish  Malen’s  loving
         responsibilities  with  unparalleled                                       and warm company, her moving
         commitment  and  perseverance.                                             examples,  inspired  leadership,
         Her  dreaded  illness  later  did  not                                     and  the  little  and  big  surprises
         prevent  her  from  pursuing  her                                          she,  without  fail,  had  in  store
         visions and goals for her different                                        for  us.  There  was  never  a  dull
         organizations.      She  was  a                                            moment with her. All these, we
         steadfast  advocate  that  waged                                           will  reminisce.  Always,  her
         numerable  battles  and  scored                                            memories will be with us.   Her
         victories.                                                                 leaving left  undoubtedly a void
                                                                                    in  the  circles  of  Inner  Wheel.
         Many great men and women after                                             But  we  are  consoled  by  the
         death  are  remembered  and                                                thought that our loss is a gain of
         honoured  with  perpetual  flames,                                         heaven.  I  am  sure  that  when
         monuments      of   stone,    bold                                         she  met  our  Creator,     she
         architectures,  towering  obelisks,                                        deservedly  received  a  WELL
         and  other  magnificent  structures                                        DONE     commendation  as  the
         of  glass  or  steel.  Malen  Ang  will                                    choirs  of  heavenly  angels
         be  memorialized  in  the  hearts  of                                      amidst  triumphant  trumpets
         many whose lives she had                                                   chanted AMEN, AMEN.

                                                                                                     Continued on page 54
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