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Woman of Substance
ecently, despite her busy schedule and writing speeches, Wheel of Service Editor Laura Andal
had the chance to chat with BD Zeny, who obliged her with stimulating, thought-provoking and
downright candid responses to her inquiring mind.
You joined IWCPI at a very young age. What them because they were more experienced, full
were your challenges then? How were you able of wisdom, and with vision. I learned a lot from
to reconcile your work with your humanitarian them. They were my mentors.
activities? I was 28 years old when I joined Inner
Wheel. I was only three years married then. I had Through the years, you were fortunate to be in
two babies and was busy with my career as a CPA the company of achievers, women leaders. Was
Practitioner. It was very challenging to raise a there anyone, in particular, you would consider
new family, build a professional career, and as the one who shaped you to what you are
support a husband and parents-in-law who were today? How so? One particular person in IWCPI
all active in Rotary and Inner Wheel. It was a who shaped me as I am now was Past National
good thing that the four of us, Jun, my father-in- President Del Magnaye. She was very
law, my mother-in-law, and I are all in the same knowledgeable in Inner Wheel Constitution and
accounting and law offices, so they allowed me to By-Laws, outstanding in systems set-up, firm and
be active in Inner Wheel and do service projects. unwavering in her principles.
Fortunately, we have a reliable and trustworthy
babysitter. She has been with us for 34 years . At age 47, were you the youngest National
President ever? At present, in the Council of Past
When did you first serve as President of your National Presidents, I am the youngest.
Club and Chairman of your District? I served
twice as Club President of IWC Marikina. The first When you were elected International Inner
time was in 1990-1991, which was two years Wheel Board Director for 2019-2020, how many
after I became a member. Then again, in 1996- were in contention. How was the selection
1997, when Jun became the President of RC process? Where were you inducted? What does
Marikina. In our Club, it is a tradition that the position entail? You are now serving on
whoever is the spouse of the Rotary President your 2nd term. Were you re-elected? On my
becomes the President of the Club. I became nomination for Board Director for 2019-2020,
District Chairman in 1994-1995, three years after there were 22 nominees from different
being Club President. countries. Only 16 Board Directors were elected
by all the clubs around the world. I was #12 (the
I am pretty sure that you did not get to where highest among Asian countries). There was no
you are now without observing certain rules or induction ceremony for the elected Board
standards of behaviour which may have Directors. As a member of the IIW Governing
contributed to your firm foundation. Can you Body, we manage the affairs and funds of IIW.
share them with us? I started from the ranks, so Each BD was also allocated Non-Districted Clubs
to speak. I served in almost all committees and (NDCs) around the world to communicate with
positions. I believe that the most significant and report on their activities. For two terms now,
ability is availability. I always make myself NDCs in USA were assigned to me. Although the
available, especially if the post asks for it. And United States has a National Governing Body and
because I enjoy serving with my friends in Inner several districts, these NDCs chose not to be part
Wheel, I always make time to be with them. At of a District, maybe due to geographical location.
that time, very few members were about the For my 2 term in 2020-2021, IIW Executive
same age as mine. Most of them were older than Committee did not release the election count out
I was in age, but I enjoyed closely working with of respect to all candidates.