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“A Trailblazer, an Innovator and Trend Setter”
by Past District Chairman Nona S. Ricafort, Ph.D
In words and deeds, how do we portray the leadership She played three significant roles in her life - a caring
style of this charming lady, IWC District Chair Malen R. homemaker, a successful businesswoman, and a
Ang? I vividly recall the first time I gazed upon her dedicated civic leader.
impressive picture in the 2001 Rotary District A - Achiever. In all her undertakings, she showed her
Convention Souvenir Program. She was the lovely determination and commitment. She had the will
and the drive to make things happen at all costs.
spouse of our Incoming District Governor Edison Ang.
Although I met her many years ago, her photo left an L - Leader. To quote Stanley Huffy, “It is not the
impressive imprint on me. On seeing her up close in position that makes a leader; it is the leader that
action, and as the dedicated, supportive, and loving makes the position” What was admirable about her
spouse to PDG Edison, that remarkable imprint became was that she had a people mindset. She thought
about the success of the institution as she served its
real. Indeed, she was a selfless woman of wisdom and
dynamism. She had demonstrated, with conviction and members, the stakeholders, and the community.
determination, how to lead the spouses of the She inspired all those who worked with her. She
Rotarians with great success. served in crucial positions of many organizations,
where her dynamic leadership was acknowledged.
E - Energetic and the epitome of a tireless lady. 24/7
Those who had worked with her in the past many years,
be it in Inner Wheel Club of the Philippines, Inc., Rotary were not enough to accomplish her feats par
excellence. She was one who climbed the tallest tree,
International, Zonta, Soroptimist International, Red
Cross, All Nations Women’s Group, or in other surveyed the entire situation, and yelled the best
organizations, would attest to her outstanding decision.
N - Nurturer. She had a caring heart with an attitude
attributes: a visionary leader and mentor, an innovative
trailblazer, champion linkages builder, and community that won the support of others. Malen was generous
with her appreciation. She often was a cheerleader,
developer. Malen was a successful leader, who was
productive and influential in many dimensions praiser, and encourager. John Maxwell said, “People
encapsulated in the acronym MALEN R. ANG, viz: don’t care how much you know until they know how
much you care.”
M - Multi faceted and a woman for all seasons. She R - Righteous and radiant. She subscribed to the
saying, “Do unto others what you would like others
was proficient in juggling her precious time being an
adorable and caring wife, a loving mother, a successful to do unto you.” For her, black was black, and white
business-woman, and a quintessential civic leader. As was white. There was no grey area. She brought
sunshine to all with her generosity and compassion.
Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”
A - Admirable. Malen was always a meticulous leader
of so many organizations. She admirably navigated
the undulating seas of the organizations she had led.
She was consistently approachable and
accommodating. Always been looked up to. She was
also a smart dresser.
N - No nonsense woman. She was a leader that
went beyond words and always looked at the bottom
line. While others got bogged down in details, she
saw the bottom line. She had that cunning ability to
plan, say, and, with determination, execute for
G - Go-getter. Aggressively blazing the trail, she did
not take no for an answer. Very dependable, she
excellently delivered on all the tasks assigned to her.