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What’s Cooking

          The Wheel of Service Logo

          Coming  up  with  a  name  for  the  newsletter  was
          relatively more straightforward than a logo.  A logo     Chryztina “Tinah” D. Santos  is  a  member  of  the
          is  much  more  than  the  name,  more  than  just  an   Inner Wheel Club of Marikina and the owner of
                                                                   Chef Chryztina Catering Services.
          image.   It  should  be  able  to  stand  alone  and  be
          recognized by clients. Once introduced, the clients,
                                                                   Chef  Chryztina  Catering  Services  specializes  in
          or  our  readers  in  our  case,  must  be  able  to
          associate  it  with  our  newsletter  readily.  Why  do   event styling that makes any occasion unique like
          we need a logo?   A logo is a combination of text        weddings,  debuts,  birthday  parties,  corporate
                                                                   events, or any private event.  During the past few
          and visual imagery. It identifies the company or the
          product  and  generates  a  graphic  symbol  of  the     years, the company has been catering to events
                                                                   organized  by  government  agencies  and  non-
          product or company.
                                                                   government     institutions.   Occasionally,   for
          Following  several  consultations  with  colleagues      charitable  purposes,  the  company  partners  with
                                                                   clients like the Rotary International,  Inner Wheel
          and  friends  in  and  out  of  the  Inner  Wheel,  the
          layout  team  designed  our  logo.     The  wheel        Clubs  of  the  Philippines,  Inc.  ,  Lions  Clubs
                                                                   International,  Knights  of  Columbus,  among
          symbolizes the tool that helps our District to keep
          our projects and services  rolling while the fifteen     others.      Recently,  Chef  Chryztina  Catering
          spokes  in  the  wheel  represent  the  fifteen  clubs   Services heeded the call to assist the frontliners.
                                                                   Chef  Tinah  has  always  been  eager  to  serve  and
          in    the  District  that  support  and  strengthen  the
          wheel.  As  the  team  was  careful  not  to  interfere   help the needy.  She believes that it is not only a
                                                                   good  business  move,  but  it  also  enriches  the
          with  established  protocols  on  the  use  of  the
          Organization’s official logo, we decided instead to      individual.
          keep the Organization’s name in text.

          Another branding tool that we are still exploring is
          the  tagline.  A  tagline  is  a  catchphrase  or  slogan
          that  tells  people  who  or  what  our  product  or
          company  is.   When  we  come  across  the  saying
          “Just Do It,” we immediately associate it with Nike.
          That is an example of a compelling tagline.  As of
          this issue, the Editorial Team of Wheel of Service
          has  not  found  a  suitable  catchphrase  to  go  with
          our logo.  We invite the members of the District to
          suggest to us a tagline to pair with our logo.

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