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Secretary’s Corner by DS Ma. Victoria Pecho

         The two virtual District Board Meetings took place on   PDC Ching Chanyungco, President Annie Wolcott, and
         July  25,  2020,  and  on  August  22,  2020.  District
                                                                 Assistant  District  Secretary  Lorie  Villame  were
         Chairman (DC) Noemi Verano called for an emergency      greeted virtually with a happy birthday song.
         meeting  on  August  4  to  discuss  and  provide
                                                                 After the closing prayer, DC Noemi called the meeting
         information  on  the  upcoming  District  induction  on   adjourned.  Fellowship followed.
         August 15.  The District held a District Rally on Aug. 22

         District Board Meeting, July 25, 2020                   District Board Meeting,  August 22, 2020
         In  attendance  were  13  Club  Presidents,  14  Club   In  attendance  were  14  Club  Presidents,  12  Club
         Secretaries, 10 Executive District Board members. PDC   Secretaries,  8  Members  of  the  Executive  Board  and
         Nona  Ricafort  graced  the  meeting.  DC  Noemi        four  guests,  namely,  IIWBD  Zenaida  Farcon,  NP
         announced that all clubs must submit club profiles and   Pamela  de  Guzman,  PDC  Grade  Zamora,  and  PDT
         club action plans.  Submission of the club action plans   Maricor Gamboa
         would be after the District Leadership Training Seminar
         (DLTS).  She  said  that  the  first  NBOT  meeting  had   DC  Noemi  reminded  the  Club  Presidents  about  the
         convened  in  July  2020.   She  confirmed  that  the   submission  of  Club  Profiles.  The  Club  Action  Plans
         capitation  fee  of  P2700  consisted  of  P2200  for  the   were not due until after DLTS. She also reiterated the
         National  and  P500  for  the  District.  The  deadline  for   announcements  that  emanated  from  NBOT  as
         payment  was  on  September  30,  but  for  Clubs  who   discussed  at  the  July  25  meeting  about  payment  of
         were  fielding  candidates  for  District  and  National   capitation  fees  and  the  goals  for  2020-2021.The
         positions,  it would be on  August 30. She emphasized   Board discussed membership, which was one of the
         that  payments  should  be  made  to  the  District     essential goals of President Vyas.

         Treasurer  and  not  to  National  Headquarters.   DC    District Treasurer Juanilda reported that as of August
         Noemi said that IIW Pres. Bina Viyas' goals for  2020-  22,   P305,600  out  of  the  expected  collection  of
         2021  focused  on  increasing  membership  by  five     P747,900 have been paid.  She requested those clubs
         members per club, increasing the number of clubs per    that  have  not  paid  their  capitation  fees  to  send  in
         district  by  five,  carrying  out  youth  development   their payments.
         projects for schools/colleges and women in age groups   The launching of the newsletter Wheel  of Service is
         12-25 years, to help build leadership skills and develop   still  slated  for  September  5,  subject  to  timely
         the young generation.                                   submission of articles.

         District Treasurer Juanilda Ombao reiterated that the
                                                                 Other matters:
         capitation fees were P2,200 for National and P500 for   •PDC  Ching  Chanyungco  nominated  IIWBD  Zenaida
         District 380  or a total of P2,700.
                                                                 Farcon  for  the  vice  presidency  of  the  International
         District  Editor  Laura  Andal  informed  that  the  digital   Inner  Wheel  for  IWY2021-2022.      Secretary  Raciel
         launching of the District newsletter, Wheel of Service,   Carlos seconded the nomination.
         would  tentatively  be  on  September  5.  She  said  she
                                                                 •PDC Grace Zamora reported that she would amend
         was  in  the  process  of  assembling  the  Editorial  team     the form for the subsidy requests without prejudice
         The newsletter would be released quarterly in print or
                                                                 to  subsidy  amounts  and  recipient  clubs.  Subsidies
         a total of 4 issues this IWY 2020-2021.                 will  be  further  discussed  at  the  NLTS  scheduled
         The Club Presidents each reported on their respective   sometime in September 2020.
         plans of activities for the year.
                                                                 •Past District Treasurer Maricor Gamboa now District
         On other matters, DC Noemi offered her zoom account     Foundation      Representative      appealed      for
         for  any  club  who  might  need  it  as  long  as  the  Clubs
                                                                 contributions to the Foundation.  Immediately, IIWBD
         informed her of the dates and times of the meetings.    lZeny and DC Noemi pledged to contribute.
         She  also  asked  the  Presidents  to  encourage  their   •Pres.  Eyra  led  the  closing  prayers,  after  which  DC
         members  to  like  the  Inner  Wheel  D380  page  on
                                                                 Noemi adjourned the meeting at 12:55 pm.
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