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From an examination of the above table, make a list of all the things to do to increase life’s
net worth. And act on it. After six months, create a new balance sheet and determine if the
items you have done increased your life’s net worth. A high life net worth comes with many
benefits, such as:
You will be happier
You will be in a better position to achieve your goals
Your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being will be higher
You will be in a better position to help others, especially your loved ones
Your life journey will be a lot more pleasant
The following are business terminologies used in financial balance sheets that can be applied
to life balance sheets:
Opening stock your birth
Credit what comes to you
Debit what goes from you
Assets your ideas
Liabilities your habits
Capital your character
Profit your happiness
Loss your sorrow
Investment your knowledge
Depreciation your age
Closing Stock death
Auditor God
Always endeavour to maintain a perfect life balance sheet. Our Auditor can come at any