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Let’s Talk Health!

                                PRACTICAL GUIDELINES IN THE NEW NORMAL

               Early  this  year,  we  were  all  taken  aback  and   social  and  economic  order  in  which  society
               found  ourselves  unprepared  when  the            and  business  have  traditionally  operated.
               government  decided  to  go  on  total  lockdown   How we lived our lives during the lockdown
               and  quarantine.  The  increase  in  number  of    conscious of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is
               COVID 19 cases and the uncertainty as to how       the  context  for  the  new  normal.  The  New
               the  virus  is  transmitted  has  left  the  Medical   Normal is both a practice and a mindset that
               community also in confusion.  The mechanism        place prime importance on healthy lifestyles
               by which SARS COV 2 affects the human body         and  preventive  behaviors  to  avoid  getting
               was unclear at the onset. Fast forward to now;     sick.
               healthcare  workers  are  more  knowledgeable
               and confident in managing the disease as more      A practical guideline as to specific measures
                                                                  that  we  can  do  in  our  day  to  day  activities
               and  more  experiential  studies  are  being
               published and physicians from other countries      might  be  helpful.  However,  when  you  are
                                                                  feeling  sick,  please  do  not  go  out  of  your
               shared their best practices.
                                                                  house. It is best to consult your doctors via
               As  of  writing,  SARS  COV  2  which  is  the     telemedicine/ online consults or face-to- face
               causative  agent  for  COVID19,  a  virus  which   when it is available.
               causes  acute  respiratory  syndrome,  is  known
               to be transmitted via person to person contact.    BEFORE GOING OUT OF THE HOUSE
               It  is  transmitted  via  droplets  released  when
                                                                  1. Prepare the following:
               sick people with the virus cough or sneeze and     a) Face mask;
               it can also spread when you’re in close contact
                                                                  b) Face shield or goggles(washable)
               with  someone  who  is  sick.  Recently,  a  new   c) 70% alcohol or alcohol-based hand rub;
               strain of the virus has been discovered in our     d) Clean  disposable  plastic  or  brown  paper
               country.  The  main  problem  is  addressing  the
                                                                      trash bag;
               high transmission rates of the virus. Hospitals    e) 10% bleach solution in spray bottle
               are  overwhelmed.  People  are  divided.  Some
                                                                  f) Zip  lock  bags(  for  your  gadgets  and
               are afraid, some clearly are not. Just the same,       cellphones  if  you  intend  to  bring  one,
               the  recommendations  are  directed  to                may be recycled)

                                                                  If  applicable,  depending  on  where  you  are
                As  the  medical  community  is  able  to  discern
               how the disease can be managed, the cry for        going:  2  pairs  of  rubber  or  nitrile  gloves
                                                                  (optional)  ,  1  fluid  impermeable  gown
               time-out  came  because  of  increase  in  the
               number  of  cases.  This  overwhelmed  the         (disposable, optional)

               hospital  system.  The  time-out  was  for  re-
               strategizing and rallying for Filipinos to live in   2.  Place  your  gadgets  in  a  clear  zip  lock.
               the ‘new normal.’ But what is the new normal?      Place all materials you will need in a separate
                                                                  bag  for  easy  disinfection.  (wallet,  car  keys,
               Life during quarantine is the new normal. It is    documents, pens, etc.) As much as possible
               an  unprecedented  new  reality  where  we  are    do not bring unnecessary items when going
               witnessing a dramatic restructuring of the         out.

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