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7. Clean hands with alcohol or hand sanitizer Dr. Cheridine Oro- Josef is a Family Medicine
immediately after holding or touching elevator Specialist/ Geriatric Medicine Specialist. She
buttons, doorknobs, handles, light switches, hand graduated from the University of Santo Tomas with
rails ,etc. If wearing gloves, disinfect your gloved hand a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology
with alcohol or hand sanitizer. with distinction. Cheridine earned her degree in
Medicine and Surgery, also from the same
8. Practice cough and sneeze etiquette. institution. In February 2000, she passed her
Philippine Physician Licensure Examination. She
9. Disinfect your gadgets if you accidentally used it to took up residency at the University of Santo Tomas
answer a call and place inside your bag. However, you
only need to wipe with alcohol the zip lock if you Hospital from 2001 to 2004, where she earned her
certification as a Family Physician. She passed her
used it while your gadget is inside it.
diplomate exams in Family Medicine and Geriatric
10. Should you need to remove your disposable face Medicine in 2006 and 2010, respectively.
mask during eating, replace with a new face mask
after. Disinfect hands before and after removing old At present, she is a Special Lecturer at the Ateneo
mask and donning new one. School of Medicine and Public Health and a Part-
time Faculty member of the College of Arts and
UPON GOING HOME (At the end of the workday): Sciences at Miriam College. She is also a Visiting
Senior Consultant at the Amang Rodriguez
1. Discard your mask and other disposable PPEs you
Memorial Medical Center, Chair, Geriatric Services,
used and place in disposable bag you prepared and and active Consultant in Geriatrics/Family Medicine
throw in appropriate bins. Dispose garbage properly. at the Marikina Doctors Hospital and Medical
2. For goggles or face shields place them in separate Center in Pasig and St. Ignatius de Loyola Health
plastic bag for transport and disinfection. Care Services as well as in several private hospitals
3. Disinfect your hands with alcohol and shoe soles
in Marikina. Cheridine is presently the Clinical
with 10% bleach solution before getting in your car. Operations Manager of Home Health Care in
Quezon City.
4. Upon reaching home, leave shoes outside your
door. Dr. Cheridine has published several journal articles
5. While outside, empty your bag and disinfect
and research work both nationally and
contents as well as the bag. Disinfect zip locks before internationally and has authored several books,
removing gadgets (change as necessary)
articles, and newsletters published in the Manila
6. Go straight to the bathroom; take your clothes off Times, the Business Mirror, the Healthy Lifestyle
before the mask. Place mask inside a disposable Magazine, and the Silver Thread. She has also been
plastic and throw in appropriate trash bin. Take a bath
busy with her speaking tour.
and change into house wear. Work clothes should be
placed inside a separate container for laundry.
Among her many awards were the Most
7. Disinfect non-disposable items with 10% bleach Outstanding Chief Resident award by the University
solution for 10-15minutes and then wash and air-dry. of Santo Tomas and one of the Ten Outstanding
While these require a tedious task for us, at the
Physicians in Community Service by the Auxilliary to
moment, it is the best we can do to curtail the The Philippine Medical Association in 2012.
transmission of the virus.
Dr. Cheridine P. Oro-Josef was born in Cotabato City
on Mary 27. She is married to Jerome D. Josef.
They have 2 children: Janmarc and Cheri Diane.