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Food for Thought by DCE Caroline “Carole” Querubin Entote
As a businesswoman, I am familiar with a financial balance sheet, how it looks like and what it
should contain. A simple balance sheet shows assets and liabilities, and the difference between
the two is called the business net worth.
In assessing our life’s net worth, we can apply the same balance sheet. I will create a balance
sheet to show a sampling of life’s assets and liabilities:
Life’s Balance Sheet
Positive Habits can include exercising, Negative Habits - smoking, over-eating, sleeping
meditating, reading late, procrastinating
Credentials include degrees and licenses, such Lack of credentials means not having degrees and
as law degree, bar membership, real estate licenses to achieve goals and not belonging to any
licenses professional or trade association
Knowledge consists of those gained from Lack of knowledge result from not having read
books, on line courses, experience, travels, etc. books, failing to invest in education or not having a
necessary experience
Positive relationships – friendships, positive Negative relationships include enemies, toxic
family relationships, professional network and family relation, bad relationship with co-workers
other life-affirming relationships strained relationships with neighbours
Skills are those that you have the ability to do Lack of skills needed to succeed, these include lack
well like public speaking, writing articulately, of language skills, communication skill, technical
painting, etc. skills and so on
Positive character traits such as grit, Negative character traits – greed, envy, and
confidence, and integrity negativity
Positive emotions include gratitude, Negative emotions – anger, frustration, sorrow,
cheerfulness and serenity fear
Good health such as physical stamina, Health Problems – poor health, illness, and
endurance, ability to focus lethargy
Purpose includes setting empowering goals, Lack of Purpose – meaningless jobs, failing to give
meaningful work, giving back to society, back to society, staying away from humanitarian
volunteering activities