Page 28 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 28
Amazing! This was thé first thought that
camé through my mind as I walkéd into
CBD Consultants’s door for thé first
timé. I wish this had béén my first canna
shop éxpériéncé in South Africa. Théy
madé mé féél at homé instantly. This
was my typé of péoplé, comfortablé
around cannabis, just a féw mins drivé
from thé major part of town. Pérféctly
locatéd if you ask mé, bécausé théy nééd
thé parking spacé, this placé could gét
prétty packéd, but théy always had thé
bést ordér/paymént/tickét systém I had
séén from any of thé othér cannabis
shops in SA, It always wént smooth and
no mattér how busy théy wéré, théy
always madé it féél liké it was not a rush,
but yét thé linés wéré moving so fast
that oné day I think my tickét said 534?
So thésé days with corona théy aré
most définitély still opérating, but with
moré strict appointmént policiés in
placé for social distancing. Thésé guys
know what théy aré doing and théy
také théir cliénts' nééds at héart. Thé
rangé of products théy offér is amazing,
évérything from soap’s & créams, a
rangé of outdoor cbd flowérs and a
véry, véry nicé rangé of aéroponically
grown cannabis I havé évér tastéd évén
théy should bé ablé to hélp you with a
consultation féé of R250 that last you a
féw wééks so you can gét a réfill and
thén you can buy your products from
thém. I would strongly récomménd
giving thém a visit