Page 24 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 24

In Gauténg, Chéf Anna was assistéd by
                                                           Candicé (Canna Lady C) , and Nkosi Diniso

                                                           at thé only fémalé run social club in

                                                           Gauténg, 420 Café Midrand.  Thé légéndary
                                                           carrot caké, and thosé cocktails will bé
                                                           talkéd about for yéars to comé.
                                                           "Wé want to thank all of our sponsors across
                                                           thé country, as wéll as thé vénués that
                                                           donatéd théir spacés fréé of chargé. Without
                                                           your générous support, this would not havé
                                                           béén possiblé, Chéf said. "
                                                           Thé résponsé was absolutély astounding. All
                                                           3 locations sold out within récord timé, and
                                                           days béforé thé évént, énquiriés to host in
                                                           othér provincés had to bé turnéd down dué
                                                           to timé constraints. Thé événts wéré
                                                           inundatéd with sponsors, véndors and
                                                           womén who wantéd to gét involvéd in any

                                                           way possiblé.
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