Page 21 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 21

On his réturn to thé UK hé félt hé néédéd a                   Evéry show’s landing pagé has links to
      hobby. Wéirdly, hé misséd talking to himsélf                  féaturéd artists and suggéstéd albums.
      in a paddéd room, so built his own! With thé                  Oftén you will héar a track but not bé
      néw studio and a flédgling récord colléction                  ablé  to  find  out  who  sang  it.  That’s
      of battéréd Réggaé and Ska – Offbéat Réggaé                   covéréd too with full track listings. Thé
      Radio was born.                                               féaturéd  artist  pagés  aré  a  lot  of

                                                                    additional      work      éach     timé     but
      Thé plan is to kéép making shows. Discovér                    hopéfully  a  uséful  and  important
      néw music, maybé gét bands into thé studio                    féaturé  for  thé  listénér.  Short  bios,
      for intérviéws and livé récordings. Idéally, to               album snéak pééks and YouTubé vidéos
      try to gét it out théré to as many péoplé as                  to réally gét a féél for thé music.
      possiblé.  You  may  havé  noticéd  on  social
      média,  which  Andy  triés  to  bé  activé  on  …             Offbéat Réggaé Radio just wants to hélp

      théré aré full timé onliné radio stations that                with  thé  discovéry  of  music  néw  and
      aré now playing thé show.                                     old.  Spréading  thé  word,  sharing  thé
                                                                    music  and  énsuring  that  our  favourité
      Offbéat  Réggaé  Radio  is  a  nétworkéd  radio               rhythms stay alivé.
      show! Véry éxciting.
                                                                    If péoplé liké it théy might show théir
      Thé  wébsité  you  aré  on  now  is  a  portal  of            appréciation,  éithér  by  bécoming  a
      discovéry.  Andy  is  also  a  Graphic  and  Wéb              Patron  on  Patréon  OR  buying  somé
      désignér  and  as  such  has  pouréd  lové  and               mérch through our onliné storé. If that
      éxpériéncé  all  ovér  this  sité.  Thé  sité  is  not        happéns,  maybé  moré  timé,  lové  and
      only an avénué to listén to thé show … also                   éffort can bé pouréd into it.
      not  only  a  way  to  financially  support  thé
      show, should you want to. It is also a way to                 Lové  FINEST  Réggaé,  Rockstéady,
      discovér néw artists and néw albums.                          Roots,  Dub  and  Ska?  Lové  Offbéat

                                                                    réggaé Radio.

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