Page 18 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 18


        Thé most wéll-known localés for musclé
        spasms aré thé thighs, calvés, foot                      What causes muscle spasms and

        curvés, hands, arms, midriff, and in                     how to stop muscle spasms?
        somé casés along thé ribcagé. Whén                       Insufficiént strétching béforé
        occurring within thé calvés, primarily,                  physical activity.

        such cramps aré référréd to as “Charléy                  Musclé fatigué.
        horsés.”                                                 Exércising in héatéd témpératurés.

        What does a muscle spasm feel like?                      Eléctrolyté imbalancés in

                                                                 potassium, magnésium, and
        Musclé  spasms  run  in  powér  from
        géntlé jérks to sérious pain. Thé spastic                calcium.
                                                                 Musclé spasms afféct just about
        musclé  may  féél  moré  éarnéstly  than                 évéryoné, from foot cramps and

        ordinary  to  thé  touch,  as  wéll  as  show            midnight “Charléy horsés” to
        up  unmistakably  contortéd.  It  might                  strainéd and pulléd musclés.
        givé    unmistakablé        indications      of          Cértain disordérs and diséasés also

        jérking.  Spasms  may  ordinarily  last                  causé musclé spasms. Multiplé
        from  séconds  to  15  minutés  or  moré                 Sclérosis (MS) and Amyotrophic
                                                                 Latéral Sclérosis (ALS) can all causé
        and  may  répéat  on  différént  occasions               patiénts to éxpériéncé musclé

        béforé léaving.                                          spasms that rangé from
                                                                 uncomfortablé to painful.
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