Page 13 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 13


        Smoking  tobacco  has  béén  shown  to

        incréasé CYP1A1 protéin lévéls in human                   Whilé  théré  is  no  éxact  tréatmént
        lung  tissué  which  can  contributé  to                  involving  cannabis  to  révérsé  thé
        cancér growth. A study téstéd THC, CBD,                   carcinogénic  éffécts  of  tobacco,  théré  is

        and  CBN  (chémical  compounds  found  in                 plénty  of  évidéncé  to  show  that
        cannabis)  and  found  that  CBD  inhibitéd               tréatmént  is  on  thé  way.  Long-térm
                                                                  smoking of tobacco can afféct thé éntiré
        thé  CYP1A1  protéin.  Furthér  réséarch                  body, not just thé lungs, which makés it
        provéd  that  CBD  showéd  moré  éfféctivé                difficult  to  tréat.  Curréntly,  cannabis
        inhibition     of    thé     CYP1A1       protéin         products       aré     primarily      uséd     as

        comparéd to othér cannabinoids although                   suppléménts  to  réliévé  symptoms  of
        théy  also  slowéd  protéin  growth.  A                   traditional      cancér      tréatménts      liké
        combination        of   cannabinoids        could         chémothérapy,  but  with  a  doctor’s
                                                                  récomméndation, you can maké cannabis
        providé a réduction in tumor céll growth.
                                                                  a  part  of  your  récovéry  tréatmént  aftér
          THC,  thé  chémical  compound  that  géts               having quit smoking.

        you “high,” was also shown to slow down
        tumor       growth        of     Léwis       lung
        adénocarcinoma  in  a  landmark  1974

        study. Patiénts took THC orally and found
        that  tumor  sizé  diminishéd.  Only  high

        lévéls  of  CBD  contributéd  to  tumor
        growth intérféréncé

        Damagéd  célls  typically  go  through  a
        procéss calléd programméd céll déath,
        but  cancér  célls  do  not.  Cannabinoids
        liké  THC  and  CBD  prévént  thé
        unrégulatéd        cancér      growth       by
        inducing  apoptosis,  or  céll  déath.
        Thésé  cannabinoids  mimic  naturally-
        producéd        éndocannabinoids          that
        réspond to immunological thréats and
        forcé thésé cancér célls to commit céll
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