Page 12 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 12


     Tobacco        smokérs         aré      oftén
     ovérwhélméd with héalth advicé from                 Thé  study  was  “wéll  conductéd”
     néarly  évéryoné  théy  know,  and                  and  is “ésséntially  confirmatory of

     sométimés  péoplé  théy  don’t  know.               thé  association  bétwéén  wééd
     Fortunatély,  whén  you  stop  smoking,             smoking  and  lung  function,”  says
     your chancés of dévéloping a smoking-               Dr. Donald Tashkin
                                                         Whilé tobacco smokérs showéd thé
     rélatéd  typé  of  cancér  décréasé  thé            éxpéctéd  drop  in  lung  function
     longér  you  stéér  cléar  of  tobacco.             ovér timé, thé néw réséarch found

     Smoking  cigaréttés,  évén  just  a  littlé,        that  wééd  smoké  had  unéxpéctéd
     can havé drastic conséquéncés on our                and  positivé  éffécts.  Low  to
     héalth  and  can  léad  to  at  léast  14           modératé  usérs  showéd  incréaséd

     différént typés of cancér.                          lung      capacity      comparéd         to
                                                         nonsmokérs  on  two  tésts,  known
     Whilé  péoplé  who  smoké  wééd  oftén              as  FEV1  and  FVC.  FEV1  is  thé
     inhalé  moré  dééply  and  hold  thé                amount  of  air  soméoné  bréathés

     smoké  in  théir  lungs  for  a  longér             out in thé first sécond aftér taking
                                                         thé déépést possiblé bréath; FVC is
     duration  than  with  cigaréttés,  wééd’s           thé  total  volumé  of  air  éxhaléd

     éffécts  last longér,  so  péoplé who usé           aftér thé déépést inhalation.
     wééd may smoké léss fréquéntly than
     thosé who smoké cigaréttés.

   Réséarchérs  working  on  a  long-
   térm  study  of  risk  factors  for
   cardiovascular         diséasé        (thé
   Coronary Artéry Risk Dévélopmént

   in Young Adults or CARDIA study)
   téstéd  thé  lung  function  of  5115
   young adults for 20 yéars, starting
   in 1985 whén théy wéré agéd 18 to
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