Page 50 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 50

Why use glass pipes to smoke dagga?
    Glass  is  a  very  clean  material  for  smoking
    weed. To be more specific, when you heat a
    piece of clean glass, the only thing that really
    happens  is  the  glass  gets  hotter.  It  doesn’t
    begin to smoke or vaporize, it doesn’t create
    toxic  fumes,  and  it  doesn’t  emit  odors  or
    flavors. This makes glass perfectly suited for                                                 You can find a
    smoking cannabis flower and concentrates.                                                      glass pipe like
                                                                                                   this on
    Pipes  made  of  materials  such  as  metal,                                         
    plastic,     or    wood       usually      end     up
    contaminating  the  cannabis  smoke  whether                Here  are  significant  benefits  of

    it’s changing the taste of the smoke, altering              smoking from a glass pipe:
    the  odor  of  the  smoke,  or  worst  of  all,
    emitting toxic fumes into the smoke.                        Glass doesn’t gain heat easily
                                                                This  is  the  major  benefit  of  using  a  weed
    Aside  from  maintaining  the  purity  of  the              pipe.    Glass  takes  more  time  to  gain  heat
    cannabis  smoke,  there’s  a  bonus  to  using              compared  to  metal.  Glass  also  loses  heat
    glass: style.                                               faster.  This  property  makes  it  more
                                                                comfortable  and  more  convenient  to  use
                                                                weed pipes.

                                                                Healthy smoking option
                                                                The property of glass gaining less heat also
                                                                contributes  to  them  being  a  healthier
                                                                option. These pipes do not produce surplus
                                                                smoke;  hence  the  pipes  remain  clean
                                                                offering a healthier way of smoking.  With
                                                                more  smoke  being  accumulated  in  the
                                                                chamber, there is no residual taste.

                                                                These pipes are fun to use
                                                                Since  weed  pipes  can be  both  opaque  and
                                                                transparent,  users  enjoy  watching  the
                                                                smoke pass through the pipe. Smokers have
                                                                fun  seeing  the  smoke  pack  in  the  pipe

                                                                chambers. As the smoke passes through the
                                                                pipe  several  times,  the  glass  becomes
                                                                foggier and adds more shades and designs.

                                                                Great smoke taste
                                                                These  pipes  produce  pure  smoke  with  no
                                                                added flavors. This is because glass is non-
                                                                porous  and  non-combustible  hence  the
                                                                quality of smoke is high.
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