Page 54 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 54

2017 Established
    The  business  began  when  I  tried
    multiple  pharmaceutical  products
    for my daughter’s eczema! A lot of
    the  products  did  not  work  or
    damaged  her  skin  further.  So  I,
    researched  natural  homemade
    products  and  stumbled  upon
    cannabis  infused  methods  of

    making  a  basic  salve.  That
    particular  recipe  worked  well  for
    her skin in the beginning and was
    in the process of restoring her skin
    to its natural look. From that point
    we dove deeper into improving the
    salve  recipe  by  adding  essential
    oils.  After  getting  the  recipe  right
    we tried and tested on a variety of
    ailments  and  variety  of  people
    from  the  young  to  the  old  and
    different ethnicities. With amazing
    results we are now determined to
    increase  our  product  range  by                                            Kyle
    adding salts and soaps as a start.                                           product info and sponsorship
                                                                                 email at

                                                                                 Administrator and Orders
                                                                                 email at
     As  more  people  are  becoming
     aware  of  the  benefits  of                                                Lezane
     Cannabis  and  the  world  is                                               Financial issues email at
     becoming more open to its uses                                    
     other than recreational (due to
     scientific  research),  we  knew

     cannabis       infused      products
     would  be  able  to  assist  many
     people  with  a  wide  range  of
     problems and that became our
     focus. We at CANNABLESS love
     helping  and  relieving  peoples
     pain,  suffering  and  we  enjoy            *** we truly believe in our products and with every
     bringing a small piece of relief            15 products sold we donate to families in need that
     to your busy lifestyle.                     cannot afford expensive salves, so by supporting us
                                                 you are supporting someone in need as well. Stay
                                                 blessed . CANNABLESS***
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