Page 56 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 56
The Cannabis Grow Room is where it all Ideally when you’re growing, you want
happens. The germination, early growing as much space as possible, if you don’t
vegetation, and flowering stages of your have space you’re probably thinking, I
beloved cannabis plants will all take guess that means I can’t grow, right?
place here. Any problems you encounter Wrong! There are still places you can
and solutions you discover will occur grow if you’re tight on space.
here. Whether your harvest is a success
or failure will depend mostly on how you Try Micro Growing
build your grow room. Micro growing is exactly what it
sounds like. It’s growing high quality
Before you take any other steps towards cannabis in very tiny amounts. Micro
growing and cultivating your own weed, growing is perfect for those who are
make sure you have a plan for what tight on space. Micro growing uses the
you’re doing. You want to have the space same methods that regular indoor
you need, and all the requirements growing uses. Micro growing can be
essential for indoor plant growth— done anywhere. All you have to do is
lights, ventilation, nutrients, water, etc. make sure your plants are getting
Keep in mind that installing your own enough light, water, and nutrients.
grow room is an investment. That
includes labour! You’ll definitely want to When you’re tight on space, vertical
follow the “measure twice, cut once” space is your best friend. It’s the best
policy. for when you need to grow
somewhere where there’s not a lot of
floor space, for example, a closet.
Cannabis loves to grow in vertical
space, and some strains do better
when cultivated vertically. Vertical
growing works well with most indoor
growing methods, such as SCROG
(Screen of Green).