Page 61 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 61

      HEALTH OF CANNABIS PLANTS                                         WATERING PLANTS
      The general health and vitality of your                           If   you     are     growing      cannabis
      plants  will  also  determine  how  much                          organically  in  soil,  you  shouldn’t
      water  they  require.  If  growth  is  slow                       need  to  worry  much  about  the  pH
      or stunted, or if a plant is afflicted with                       level     of     your     water/nutrient
      diseases  or  pests,  it  will  likely  not                       solution.  But  for  the  majority  of
      need  as  much  water  as  one  that  is                          cannabis  growers  who  are  using
      thriving.Here are some signs that your                            common mineral nutrients and grow
      cannabis plants are thirsty:                                      weed in soil, coco, or hydroponically,
                                                                        the  correct  pH  level  of  the  water  is
      DROOPING, WEAK PLANTS                                             very important.
      If  your  cannabis  plants  are  very
      thirsty,  they  will  droop.  The  whole                          The  reason  for  this  is  that  cannabis
      plant  will  appear  rather  sickly  and                          plants  have  a  limited  pH  window
      lifeless, so it’s difficult to overlook this                      where  they  can  take  in  nutrients.  If
      sign.  One  catch  here  though  is  that                         the pH level of the water is either too
      thirsty plants can look very similar to                           high or too low, the plants are unable
      those  that  are  drooping  because  of                           to take in nutrients even if they are
      over watering.                                                    present,  a  phenomenon  known  as

                                                                        nutrient lockout.
      The  difference  here  is that the leaves
      of  over  watered  plants  are  usually                           When you grow in soil, the pH range
      dark  green  and  form  a  “claw”  where                          of  your  water  should  be  6.3–6.8.  If
      they curl and bend downwards, so the                              you  grow  soil-less  (e.g.  coco)  or
      whole  plant  takes  on  a  heavy  and                            hydroponically, the pH level needs to
      waterlogged  appearance.  If  you’re                              be  even  lower,  5.5–6.1.  To  test  your
      somewhat experienced, you should be                               water  pH,  use  a  pH  strips  or  pH
      able to tell these conditions apart.                              measuring  drops.  If  the  pH  is  too
                                                                        high  or  too  low,  use  some  drops  of
      Most of the time, it should be obvious                            “pH down” or “pH up” to adjust your
      if the drooping is from over or under-                            water to the right level.
      watering:  If  the  soil  is  bone-dry  and
      you know you haven’t watered in quite                             Most of the time, if you’re using tap
      some  time,  the  sickly  appearance  of                          water, your pH will probably be too
      your  plants  is  less  likely  from  over                        high. Also, if you’re adding cannabis

      watering.                                                         nutrients to your water, measure the
                                                                        pH first, then adjust it after you add
                                                                        the  nutrients.  On we
                                                                        sell  the  PH  strips  for  an  affordable
                                                                        price so that everyone can now test
                                                                        their PH levels and get the best buds
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