Page 66 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 66
Cannabis Nutrients: Calcium is important for cell wall
All the nutrients needed for development, can help reduce soil
cannabis plant development are salinity, and improves water
naturally present in the penetration when used as a soil
environment. However, to help amendment.
your plants develop even faster Magnesium plays a key role in
and produce a better end photosynthesis and carbohydrate
product, you’ll want to feed them metabolism and also helps with the
with fertiliser—concentrated stabilisation of plant cell walls.
nutrients. Sulfur is necessary for the formation
of chlorophyll and the production of
CANNABIS MACRO AND proteins, amino acids, enzymes and
MICRONUTRIENTS vitamins, and protects plants against
Cannabis plants require three disease.
nutrients in large quantities.
These macronutrients are Beyond this, plants also make use of
nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), several other nutrients in small
and potassium (K), and they form quantities (micronutrients) that are
the cornerstone of cannabis plant important. These include boron,
health. As such, these three chlorine, copper, iron, manganese,
nutrients usually feature front molybdenum, and zinc. While these
and centre on fertiliser products aren’t the main nutrients plants use
in the form of an NPK ratio. The for food, they still play very
higher the number for each important roles in various aspects of
value, the higher the plant health.
concentration of that particular
nutrient. It also counts on
secondary nutrients like calcium,
magnesium, and sulfur to play
vital roles in plant growth: