Page 67 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 67

       There  are  many  brands  of  cannabis
       nutrients on the market, and they can
       differ considerably.

       Typically, cannabis fertilisers will vary
       in    the     four     following       areas:
       -  Nutrient ratio: Different brands use
       different nutrient ratios they consider

       Ingredients: Different fertiliser brands
       can  achieve  the  same  nutrient  ratios
       using  different  ingredients,  ranging
       from      the     most      chemical      (or
       “artificial”) to the most natural.

       Soil  or  hydro:  Soil  nutrients  differ
       from  hydro  or  soilless  nutrient
       solutions.  Make  sure  you  only  use
       fertilisers  designed  for  your  growing

       Supplements:  Many  fertiliser  brands
       also  make  “supplements”.  These
       products  typically  contain  low  NPK

       ratios  and  instead  feature  other
       nutrients  designed  to  boost  certain
       aspects of growth. Some supplements,
       for example, are molasses.                                 A feed chart will typically set out a 12–
       We  recommend  you  focus  more  on                        13-week  growing  cycle.  The  weeks  of
       meeting  your  plants'  demands  for                       the  cycle  will  usually  be  listed  along
       macro and secondary nutrients before                       the x-axis of the chart which might also
       pumping them full of supplements.                          include       information        like      the
                                                                  photoperiod for each week and more.
       Going  overboard  with  nutrients  can                     Your  feed  chart  will  outline  what
       cause      chemical      interactions      or              nutrients  to  give  your  plants,  in  what
       nutrient burn, which can significantly                     ratio,  during  the  different  weeks  of
       affect  the  size  and  quality  of  your                  their life  cycle. Nutrients are typically
       yield.                                                     applied  once  a  week,  and  most
                                                                  fertiliser brands will provide you with
       HOW  OFTEN  SHOULD  I  FEED  MY                            a ratio of feed to water (either in litres
       WEED PLANTS?                                               or  gallons).  Some  feed  charts  might
       Most  fertiliser  brands  provide  their                   also provide you with a PPM range for
       customers         with       feed       charts.            their  solutions.  If  so,  invest  in  a  PPM
       Understanding these charts is the key to                   meter  and  measure  your  nutrients
       providing  your  plants  with  the  right                  before feeding for extra accuracy.
       nutrients at the right time.
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