Page 64 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 64
Improves potency
Trichomes are resinous glands found on the
surface of cannabis buds. They convey the
therapeutic compounds in weed, including
Importance of Humidity cannabinoids and terpenes.
Reduce chances of bud rot If the relative humidity is too low, the flowers
High humidity levels create an will dry out. This will cause the trichomes to
environment where botrytis cinerea break off and separate from the buds,
can thrive. Once bud rot occurs, it resulting in diminished therapeutic value.
easily spreads to other plants and can
destroy the whole canopy in no time. Improves taste
To make matters worse, bud rot starts Adequate humidity control differentiates
discreetly from the inside as it between regular and exceptional cannabis.
gradually progresses outwards. By the Both extremes of humidity will create
time most growers detect this bud rot, unpleasant smoke that doesn’t taste good.
the grey mold is far spread across the Buds preserved within the required
canopy. As an unfortunate result, the humidity levels after curing will offer a
grower ends up losing an entire gentle hit that’s gentle on the throat.
harvest. How to Ensure Accurate Cannabis
Cannabis plants need adequate
humidity in the atmosphere to thrive.
Any fluctuations can hinder the
development of the plants, causing
them to die.
Humidity Control
Humidity for growing cannabis
typically refer to relative humidity. Different cannabis varieties will have
Relative humidity (RH) is the different humidity needs. Strains that are
amount of water vapor being held native to hot climates will be adapted to
in the atmosphere. It can range higher RH levels while strains native to cold
from 0%-100%. When RH exceeds climates will require lower RH levels. Hot
100% water droplets will form on air can hold more water vapor as compared
the leaves, this is how morning to cold air. Most strains available in the
dew is formed. market today are hybrid strains. As much as
the humidity needs may vary from one
strain to the next, they work within a
similar range at every stage of