Page 62 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 62

What  soil  is  good  for  growing                           More  specifically,  you  will  need  to
       Cannabis?                                                    pick a soil suitable for your cannabis

       The 3 key things you want from soil                          strain,  as  some  auto-flowering
       that  will  ensure  you  grow  healthy                       strains will need a different soil.
       plants  are:  decent  texture;  good                         What  makes  the  best  soil  mix  for
       drainage; and water retention.                               weed?

       Without a loose enough texture, your                         If  you  are  growing  auto-flowering
       plants  won’t  be  able  to  develop                         strains, then you will want soil that
       strong roots. Without good drainage,                         is  not  heavily  fertilized.  It  is  also  a
       you  will  end  up  over  watering  your                     good  idea  to  mix  50%  soil  with  a
       plants  and  starving  them  of  oxygen,                     combination  of  50%  of  coco–helps
       causing them to wilt. And, conversely,                       with  water  retention)  and  a  peat-
       without  good  water  retention,  your                       based  soil  with  plenty  of  perlites
       roots  will  dry  out  quickly  and                          (light  and  airy  rocks–helps  with
       become damaged.                                              drainage)  to  ensure  good  drainage.

                                                                    You also want to take it steady with
       A good soil will usually look nice and                       fertilizers  in  the  early  stages,
       dark, like used coffee grounds and a                         whatever  the  strain,  give  your
       loose but sandy texture that will help                       seedlings some time to grow first.
       it  keep  enough  water  without
       suffocating the plant of oxygen, as a
       soil  full of  clay  or  packed mud balls
       from the garden would do.
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