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RestoRative  section

          Fig 7: Lithium disilicate onlay milled in the lab   Fig 8-9: Onlay restoration luted with    Fig 9
                                                     Multilink N [Ivoclar]

          Fig 10-11: Occlusal adjustments done                    Fig 11

          CASE 2: PARTIAL ONLAY: EMAX                            completely intact. An occlusal clearance of 1.8 mm was given (Figure
          A 52-year-old male patient underwent endodontic treatment of   15). An intraoral scan was done with Vivascan [Ivoclar] (Figures 16,
          maxillary first molar due to caries exposure (Figures 12, 13). Loose   17). Lab work was done with CAD/CAM emax onlay, stained (Figures
          gutta-percha points were removed  (Figure 14), and the dentinal   18, 19a, b, c). The onlay was luted with Multilink N [Ivoclar](Figures
          structure was built with direct composite. A partial onlay preparartion   20, 21, 22). An occlusal check was done to establish the onlay being
          design was executed, leaving the remaining distal tooth structure   completely functional (Figure 23).

          Fig 12-13: Case 2: Endodontic restoration wrt   Fig 13                  Fig 14: Loose gutta-percha points removed
          maxillary molar

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          22  Dental Practice I November-December 2023 I Vol 19 No 6
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