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          Fig 32-33: Onlay restoration luted with Multilink N [Ivoclar]  Fig 33

          Fig 34: Occlusal check done using a 40 micron   Fig 35: Occlusally adjusted and polished   Fig 36: IOPA to check the onlay
          articulating paper                    restoration
                                                          CONCLUSiON                    ABOUT THE AUTHOR
                                                          All three cases presented here
                                                          followed a simple philosophy of
                                                          preserving  the  intact  ridges  and
                                                          peri-cervical hard tissues. This
                                                          ensures the maintenance of struc-
                                                          tural integrity. Gone are the days
                                                          when full coverage was deemed
                                                          necessary in post-endodontic cas-
                                                          es. With advancement in resins
                                                          as CAD-CAM restorations, they
                                                          provide us the unique advantage   Dr.Sachin Deep Singh did his
                                                          of creating restorations that mim-  graduation from G.D.C & H, Mumbai,
                                                          ic the dentinal structure while   followed by post-graduation in
                                                          achieving high end restorations   Prosthodontics from K.G.M.C,
                                                          without going through the direct   Lucknow. He currently runs courses
                                                          approach as seen in Case 3. n  on dental implants and full-mouth
                                                                                        rehabilitation at Four Dimensions
                                                                                        Dental, Gurgaon. He maintains
                                                                                        a private practice in New Delhi
                                                                                        focusing on Implantology and
                                                                                        Aesthetic Dentistry. He has been
          Fig 37: Restoration in full function against the metal crown                  active in CDE for more than 15 years
                                                                                        now and has lectured extensively at
                                                                                        national and international platforms.

          26  Dental Practice i November-December 2023 i Vol 19 No 6
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