Page 28 - DP Vol 19 No 6 pw_Neat
P. 28
cosmetic section
No - Prep Feldspathic
Ceramic Veneers
Odt. Gabriele Amos Mainetti and Dr. Diego Spreafico show the restoration of a
patient with no-prep veneers in the aesthetic zone.
Additional veneers were selected because only discoloration and hygiene and a healthy dentition without any restorations in the upper
a slight malocclusion were to be concealed. Classical layering was anterior region. In view of these considerations and the desire for the
carried out on a Geller model. Great importance was placed on the most conservative solution possible, a restoration with feldspathic
correct shade determination. ceramic no-prep veneers from 14 to 24 was suggested. We took
A 47-year-old female patient presented to the practice because alginate impressions and captured intra-oral and extra-oral photos
she was unhappy with her smile. Her dissatisfaction was particularly, (Figures 1 to 3) of her initial presentation.
due to the color of her teeth and the slight malocclusion of her upper In order to gather comprehensive information on the status, a
central incisors in the vestibular and palatal directions. preliminary color determination was conducted using the Vita color
The patient informed us that her teeth had been whitened, both scale and a customer specific scale (Figure 4). In the second session an
professionally and at home. However, the hoped-for result had not emotionally evocative mock-up is used to determine the final shape
been achieved so far. On examination, she showed a good level of oral of the restorations, the volume of the teeth and the smile line . In
Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3
Fig 1-3: Extra-oral photos were taken
Fig 4: Preliminary color determination with the Fig 5: “Indirect mock-up” produced in the Fig 6: Customized individual colour key
Vita color scale laboratory on the basis of a diagnostic wax-up
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28 Dental Practice i November-December 2023 i Vol 19 No 6