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cosmetic  section

          Fig 37                               Fig 38                               Fig 39: Etching the surface of the ceramic
                                                Fig 37-38: Drying and cleaning the veneers  inner surface with nine percent hydrofluoric
                                                                                    acid for two minutes.

          Fig 40: The veneers were then rinsed with   Fig 41: Then the silane was allowed to   Fig 42: Finally, on the inner surface of the
          running water and dried with compressed air.   evaporate for one minute and the adhesive   veneers before the previously treated tooth -
          This step was neutralized for  five minutes.  was applied according to the manufacturer’s   prior to placement on the tooth light-curing
                                               instructions.                        composite cement was applied.

          Fig 43                 Fig 44                         Fig 45                       Fig 46
          Fig 43-46: Positioning with try-in paste.

          Fig 47                                                  Fig 48
          Fig 47-48: Initial situation

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