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cosmetic  section

          Fig 49                                           Fig 50

                                              Fig 53

                                                 The removal of excess cement and the final finishing were carried out using curettes and
                                              emery paper strips. Figures 47 and 48 show the initial presentation and Figures 49 to 53 show
                                              the final restorations one week after cementation. n

                                              ABoUt tHe AUtHoRs
                                                              Odt. Gabriele Amos Mainetti was born in Morbegno in 1990.
          Fig 51                                              He lives in a small town in the province of Sondrio in Lombardy.
                                                              After graduating from high school, he immediately began his
                                                              apprenticeship, and he specialized in aesthetics deepening his
                                                              knowledge of morphology and function. In the past years he
                                                              attended various courses on ceramic systems - one of them in
                                                              Germany, where he focused on morphology corresponding to
                                                              the Carving from the Japanese “Osaka Ceramics” school. Despite
                                                              his young age, he is already a member of several associations
                                                              that collaborate in Italy, Spain, India and America. In 2018 he
                                              was awarded for his teaching activities. Today he works in a dental laboratory in his
                                              hometown and in a private practice in Switzerland. Instagram: gabriele_a_mainetti,

                                                              Dr. Diego Spreafico graduated with honors from the University of
                                                              Milan in 2004 and immediately attended the courses of the most
                                                              important Italian and international key opinion leaders in the field of
                                                              endodontics, conservative dentistry, and prosthodontics. He works
                                                              as a freelancer with a special interest in esthetic prosthodontics
                                                              and microscopy. He studied and did research at foreign universities
                                                              (Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan; International Medical
          Fig 52                                              University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) and has published articles in

          Fig 49-53: The final restorations one week          international journals on adhesive cementation in dentistry and on
          after cementation                                   materials in dentistry.

          34  Dental Practice i November-December 2023 i Vol 19 No 6
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