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our patients into retention, and we monitor the patient’s dentition   into the arch. A two-to-three year interim period is a nice break from
          virtually every 3 months and in-office at 6 months, alternating with   active orthodontic treatment, because it gives the patient enough time
          virtual and in-office visits for the family’s convenience until all the   to renew their enthusiasm about finishing their orthodontic treatment
          permanent teeth have erupted, at which point we will re-scan them   with Phase 2. We call the transitional phase where the patient is
          for initiation of Phase 2 treatment to finish alignment of the dentition   wearing appliances only at night “taking a daycation”.
          and detailing of the bite.                             To ensure a clear break between orthodontic phases, we aim to
                                                                 complete Phase 1 treatment in 9 to 12 months, and Phase 2 treatments
          How  do  you  avoid  treatment  fatigue  during  Phase  1,  and  when   in 12-18 months. We initiate Phase 2 treatment when the permanent
          is the patient’s first phase of orthodontic treatment considered   2nd molars and permanent canines begin to erupt, which is usually
          “done”?                                                around 12-14 years of age, with girls typically starting treatment
          Knowing when to stop Phase 1 treatment and effectively   earlier than boys. After Phase 2 treatment, we maintain the results
          communicating this to parents is definitely a crucial skill to develop   with Vivera® retainers and if the patient had an upper diastema, we will
          because our goals of the first phase and the patient’s expectations   bond a fixed lingual retainer from upper lateral to lateral (U 2-2). The
          might not align.                                       final clear retainer is a natural transition for our Invisalign patients,
             If the patient isn’t enthusiastic about the Phase 1 treatment results,   since they get used  to the lightweight removable  appliance design
          they may have less confidence about starting Phase 2 later. Therefore,   from the beginning, especially if they are treated with Invisalign First
          its essential for the patient to feel satisfied well before the initiation of   aligners for Phase 1.
          Phase 2. Parents need a clear understanding of the Phase 1 objectives,
          recognizing that some orthodontic problems will be addressed   How  have  the  digital  treatment  tools  helped  you  to  monitor
          later on. They also need assurance that the issues deferred for later   progress including compliance during Phase 1 treatment, to set up
          treatment are not harmful if left untreated for now. Communicating   for a successful multi-phase (Phase 1 and Phase 2) treatment?
          which aspects can wait for later treatment without causing long-term   We approach treatment with the perspective of offering a multiphase
          problems is critical for providing parents with peace of mind.  treatment, each phase having specific goals, and we also monitor the
             For us, a successful Phase 1 treatment means that the upper and   patient’s maturity at each phase no matter which appliance is being
          lower central and lateral incisors have erupted in the correct location   used. If a patient does not start off well with their aligners, we do not
          and are generally well-aligned. We want the arches widened and   let them continue to the point where their results are compromised.
          symmetrically ovoid so that the remaining permanent teeth can erupt   Instead, we monitor the patient’s progress early and from the very
          unimpeded. Any anterior crossbites should be corrected earlier rather   beginning, and we use an online platform to accomplish this in an
          than later because of this reason. We will often leave or create space   efficient manner. If we find out that the patient is struggling with
          mesial and distal to the primary canines, and we prefer a slight excess   their aligners at the very beginning (or at any point later on), we don’t
          of space in the arch over lacking enough room for the permanent   let the problem drag on until they become exasperated with their
          canines to fully erupt. We also want the upper permanent first molars   experience. Sometimes we need to try a different treatment approach,
          to be fully de-rotated (mesial out), to establish a bite with solid Class   but sometimes the problem is that we just need better explanations or
          1 interdigitation.                                     more frequent monitoring.
             The concerns that can wait to be corrected in the second phase   Remote monitoring, along with virtual consultations and intraoral
          of orthodontic treatment include: permanent second molar and   scanning, are all part of an efficient digital experience we have
          canine eruption and alignment, rotations of permanent bicuspids,   implemented across all our offices. From the intraoral scan with
          and esthetic touch-ups of the anterior teeth (including any permanent   the iTero® scanner, to video appointments using Invisalign Virtual
          lateral incisors tilted mesially to provide a clear eruption path for the   Appointments and the Invisalign Virtual Care platform, allowing
          permanent canines). Instead of prolonging Phase 1 treatment and   patients to upload weekly photos, these tools have proven highly
          risking treatment burn-out, we continue growth modification in the   beneficial for efficiency and patient motivation during treatment. For
          second phase to complete any antero-posterior corrections needed to   example, we usually know right away if there is any cooperation issue,
          achieve Class 1. If we can get the patient to less than a half cusp Class   knowing that we are monitoring their treatment progress weekly
          2, we will consider it successful.                     encourages our patients to be compliant, and the best part is that we
                                                                 are able to do all of this very efficiently without adding extra in-person
          What is your protocol for the interim transition period between   visits to the office.
          Phase 1 and Phase 2 treatment, and when do you typically start   Of course, the possibility exists that no matter how hard we try,
          Phase 2 treatment?                                     we can’t get the patient to wear their aligners properly, and we can
          During the 2 to 3 year interim period between phases, we will hold   always switch these patients to a “non-compliance” device for their
          the patient in an upper Theroux retainer (made of Essix® material)   orthopedic phase, but these devices also come with their drawbacks,
          and a lower Essix clear retainer, both worn exclusively at night. The   in terms of hygiene and comfort. However, we have found that with
          “open” Theroux design conveniently allows the canines and premolars   proper education and monitoring of kids, the problematic cases are
          to follow their normal eruption path while maintaining the alignment   the minor exception and not the rule.
          of the anterior teeth. We will typically trim the lower Essix retainer
          from time to time, to make room for any erupting teeth as they come   What initial learnings can you share about your experience with

                                                             Dental Practice i November-December 2023 i Vol 19 No 6  37
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