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Clear aligner seCtion

          the Invisalign aligners for Phase 2 treatment as part of a patient’s   erupt, and arch expansion will help the teeth erupt normally, avoiding
          multi-phase treatment plan?                            the need to make space later (especially to avoid bicuspid extractions),
          Before we developed our multi-phase Invisalign treatment workflow,   then also, we recommend an early intervention. Third, if the patient is
          we thought that Phase 2 treatments with aligners might be very   suffering from psychosocial factors related to the appearance of their
          similar to using Invisalign for teens, since this had been the bulk   teeth—for example, if they are being teased at school—then also early
          of our previous experience for younger patients in the permanent   orthodontic treatment is recommended.
          dentition. Now that around 20-25% of our non-adult practice consists
          of “multiphase” (Phase 1 and Phase 2) treatments (with the trend   How do you manage treatment costs for two-phase orthodontic
          going up), we have discovered that if you set up these patients for   treatment?
          success with aligners in Phase 1 to get their orthopedic foundation in   The treatment cost difference between multi-phase and single-phase
          place, then the orthodontic alignment part of their Phase 2 is much   comprehensive treatment used to be the biggest barrier, because in the
          more straightforward than trying to treat both the orthopedics and   past, our patients were billed once for Phase 1 and then again for Phase
          the dental alignment all at once. We do not have to spend extra time   2. Now I bill for a combined Phase 1 and Phase 2 treatment as a single-
          undoing problems that are further complicated by waiting to address   fee multi-phase treatment, which means that our patients have a much
          them later.                                            longer period of time (36-48 months typically) to make their payments
             Additionally, by the time Phase 2 begins, the multi-phase patient   compared to a  single-phase teen treatment. This billing structure is
          is already used to wearing Invisalign aligners, and they are familiar   often easier for our families to manage financially, especially if they
          with the steps of our Invisalign treatment workflow, so the process   have multiple kids in orthodontic treatment at the same time. A single
          of starting Phase 2 with aligners is a breeze. The patient has already   multi-phase treatment fee also works well for our area because our
          learned our digital treatment process at an early age, and the same   patient demographic is relatively stable geographically, and families
          process simply continues into their second phase. Now that we offer   don’t relocate much for schools or job transfers. Unlike some regions,
          Invisalign Virtual Appointments and Invisalign Virtual Care to assess   we don’t have to worry about too many patients moving out of town
          aligner fit throughout treatment, our aligner patients stay motivated   or going elsewhere for their Phase 2 treatment. In areas where families
          to wear their aligners, and this helps keep in-office visits limited to our   tend to move around more, the fee model would probably have to be
          scheduled visits.                                      different.
                                                                    Additionally, it is worth noting that when the treatment fees are
          What are your tips for effective communication strategies with   itemized by phases, parents tend to expect more to be accomplished
          parents and patients concerning Phase 1 and Phase 2 treatment   in the first phase, in hopes of avoiding a second phase, and this can
          versus a single phase comprehensive treatment?         lead to inefficiencies and even the occasional disappointment from
          The first thing is just to articulate the goals and objectives for   incorrect expectations. With the way we do things now, the parents
          each phase of treatment. We describe Phase 1 to the parents as an   know that we are offering the best solutions at the best time in
          “orthopedic phase” where bone is being remodelled to gain space   order to keep their kids engaged, and that we are seeking the best
          and create symmetry, so that any orthopedic issues that could cause   outcome possible over the course of a longer period of time. They
          tooth damage or increase the risk of damage are intercepted. We then   see that we have implemented technologies and tools like the iTero
          explain that between Phase 1 and Phase 2 is a transitional period   scanner for instant digital treatment simulations, and Invisalign™
          where any remaining “baby” (primary) teeth fall out and any space   Stickables aligner stickers so our younger patients can customize their
          gained in Phase 1 needs to be maintained until the new permanent   aligners and express their own personal style. We also have advanced
          teeth erupt. Lastly, any final touches with respect to growth, the   aligner treatment options available, like Invisalign treatment with
          bite, and alignment for esthetics will be addressed during Phase 2.   mandibular advancement for Class 2 correction. The integration of
          Distinguishing the orthopedic phase (Phase 1) from the alignment   Invisalign Virtual Appointments and Invisalign Virtual Care into
          phase (Phase 2) helps our parents understand the importance of each   our daily workflow also makes treatment much more convenient for
          phase, and it also helps to avoid the blending of one phase into the   ourpatients.
          next without a clear break in between.
             For our younger patients, we always try to identify three specific   What are some examples of typical multi-phase treatment cases in
          situations where early treatment with Phase 1 is advantageous over a   your office with Invisalign aligners that you can share?
          single-phase comprehensive treatment as a teenager. First, if teeth are   The first case is a typical anterior dental crossbite case, where early
          being damaged, or are at a high risk for damage, we do not want the   intervention kept the incisors from wearing down prematurely.
          patient to endure something irreversible that could have been easily   Jumping the crossbite also allowed the permanent incisors to erupt
          prevented. Protruded teeth, which are at a risk of fracture from trauma   normally. Delaying the treatment would have taken a lot more work
          to the face is a good example of high risk for damage. Incisal wear of   to undo the flaring and crowding that would have occurred as a result
          permanent teeth due to an anterior crossbite is another good example.   of the negative overjet, and sometimes the lower incisor periodontal
          Second, if enough space is not present for the permanent teeth to   health is also compromised as a result of the flaring.
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