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Fig 7 Fig 8 Fig 9: Digitally fabricated custom trays.
Fig 7-8: Sample of the planned ceramic
Fig 10: Impression taken with polyvinylsiloxane. Fig 11: For correct alignment of the upper jaw in space and to
determine the exact smile line, a facebow was used.
Fig 12 Fig 13
Fig 12-13: In the laboratory, the impression was poured with epoxy resin.
this case, we preferred to use an “indirect mock-up” (Figure 5), which with the shade guide and corresponding enamel and dentin samples for
was created in the laboratory on the basis of a diagnostic wax-up. We verification. With digitally fabricated individual trays (Figure 9), the
continued with the correct determination of the color of the final upper impression was made with polyvinylsiloxane with a monophasic
restorations with the help of a customized shade guide (Figure 6) and two-component technique (Figure 10) . For the accurate alignment
samples of the planned ceramic layering (Figures 7 and 8). of the maxilla in space and for precise determination of the smile line,
To attain an optimal final result, the first intraoral photos were taken a facebow was used (Figure 11) . In the laboratory, the impression
Dental Practice i November-December 2023 i Vol 19 No 6 29