Page 13 - DP Digital Sample
P. 13
As a healthcare worker what are your If a dental meeting were to be held now as
views on the covid vaccine? per government norms, would you attend?
15% 21%
26% 58%
I have already been vaccinated I would not attend till the situation improves further
I would like to get the vaccine at the earliest I would be comfortable attending
I am not sure and would like to wait I am not sure
SOURCE: DP Research Dept. ©2021
When do you feel your dental practice will be
back to near normal? Methodology of survey
In early February, Dental Practice South Asia
conducted the second nationwide survey to
measure the continuing impact of Covid 19
Already back to normal 23% on dental clinics in India. A Google form of
the questionnaire was created with a pre
designed set of questions and dentists across
the country were contacted by emails, calls
Less than 3 months 34%
and on Whatsapp. The questionnaire com-
bined open-ended questions and multiple-
choice questions with predefined answers.
At least 6 months 32% For most questions, an optional space was
provided to elaborate on the answer. This
open part is considered of great importance
for a Survey of this kind as it provides addi-
Not sure 11% tional valuable material. The participation was
completely voluntary and all the participants
had an option of opting out of the study by
not filling the questionnaire. A total of 1120
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% respondents completed the survey from
across India.
% of respondents
Dental Practice // January-February 2021 // Vol 17 No 4 13