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management section


                                                      DENTAL PRACTICE TEAM

              Stress is a normal human reaction that hap-
              pens to everyone. In fact, the human body is
              designed to experience stress and react to it.
              When you experience changes or challenges
              (stressors), your body produces physical and
              mental responses. That’s stress.
                Stress responses help your body adjust to
              new situations. Stress can be positive, keep-
              ing us alert,  motivated and  ready to  avoid
              danger. But stress becomes a problem when
              stressors continue without relief or periods
              of relaxation which can impair your mental,
              emotional, and physical health and lead to
                Burnout in dentistry occurs when work-
              related stress from day-to-day life becomes
              overwhelming, causing you to feel exhaust-
              ed and drained. Burnout is described as “a
              state of chronic stress that leads to physical
              and  emotional  exhaustion,  cynicism,
              detachment  and  feelings  of  ineffectiveness
              and lack of accomplishment”.
                According  to  one  international  study,
              84%  of  dentists  have  reported  feelings  of
              burnout.  While other research may vary on
              the  exact  percentages,  the  evidence  clearly  Here  are  some  strategies  to  avoid  hope. You can learn how to replace negative
              indicates increased prevalence of burnout in  burnout.                 thoughts  with  a  positive  mindset  and
              dental professionals.                                                  strengthen  your  ability  to  adapt  better  to
                Everyday stresses come from interactions  1.  Meditate  -  this  is  a  powerful  way  to  work and life demands.
              with patients, co-workers, authorities and in  become aware of our emotions and makes
              particular  this  year  with  COVID-19.  us realize that negative emotions are an inte-  4. Remain active - Even though you might
              Common signs of burnout include lack of  gral part of the emotional spectrum and are  feel  physically  drained,  it  is  important  to
              energy, disturbed sleep, feelings of negativi-  not something to suppress, push aside or be  stay  active  in  your  everyday  life  and  inte-
              ty, loss of motivation, reduced productivity,  scared  of.  During  meditation,  we  under-  grate  exercise  into  your  routine.  Focus  on
              anxiety and chronic tiredness.     stand that negative feelings are no threat or  variety by practicing different kinds of phys-
                The first step is recognizing whether you  danger to our well-being.  ical activities! By doing so, you’ll reduce the
              are  suffering  from  burnout.  Professional                           risk of getting bored and have more fun and
              Quality of Life Scale ( is a sim-  2.  Make  Your  Work  Environment  will stay motivated.
              ple and effective self-assessment tool to give  Empowering  - The  work  environment
              you a fair idea.                   where  co-workers  respect  each  other  and  5. Avoid multitasking - Several studies have
                2020 was a difficult year for most of us.  feel a part of the team contributes to lower  shown  that  high  multitaskers  experience
              One  lesson  we’ve  learned  through  this  burnout  levels.  Encourage  openness  and  greater problems focusing on important and
              chaotic    year  of  challenge  is  that,  out  of  constructive communication patterns while  complicated  tasks,  memory  impairment,
              necessity, many of us have strengthened and  discouraging  any  non-productive  commu-  difficulty  learning  new  material,  and
              become more resilient.             nication and actions.               increased stress levels.Focus on one task at a
                Resilience represents our ability to adapt                           time.
              well to stress and quickly bounce back after  3.  Consult  a  professional  - Mental  health
              life challenges.                   counseling can help us learn stress manage-  As we enter the new year, after what has
                Learning strategies for building resilience  ment strategies, help with personal empow-  been a difficult 2020 for all of us, let us try to
              can  help  you  prevent  burnout,  improve  erment, overcome demoralization caused by  foster hope, positivity and cheer and prepare
              your wellbeing, and help you do well in life.  social  stigma  and  gives  us  much  needed  ourselves for a much better 2021.

              18   Dental Practice // January-February 2021 // Vol 17 No 4
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