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prosthetic section


                                 PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY

                                                         MAHESH CHAUHAN

              The  concept  of  minimally  invasive  operative  dentistry  was  well  exfoliated tooth #41 and brought it to us to ‘show’ what had hap-
              established long ago. There is already an emphasis on the surgical  pened.
              procedures to be done like delicate periodontal procedures as well,  There was a great sense of relief on his face when I said that his
              so what about prosthetic dentistry?                  own tooth could be used as a Natural Tooth Pontic and alongside
                When we think of prosthetic dentistry, we often think of the need  his other mobile incisors can be stabilized with an overall improve-
              to perform extensive treatment planning, need for extra equipment,  ment in esthetics too.
              dependence on many dental materials, expensive and time consum-  Dental materials that are available today for splinting teeth can
              ing laboratory work.When we think of a prosthetic rehabilitation  also be successfully used for newer applications such as shown here.
              with implants, it involves much more of everything starting from a  The common steps of cleaning and isolating teeth followed by etch-
              CBCT for treatment planning, which is followed by surgery then the  ing, bonding and then applying the FRC material remain same. A
              prosthetic phase.                                    crucial step in long-term clinical success remains proper adaptation
                Mobility of teeth is a slowly progressive outcome of an underly-  of the FRC material and its light curing. Maximizing the FRC to
              ing periodontal disease in most cases. Seldom, it may be due to other  enamel contact surface area.
              factors such as trauma, trauma from occlusion, lesions of endodon-  The FRC materials are susceptible to water absorption and this
              tic origin or in rare cases cervical root resorption.   affects  their  physical  properties  adversely,  therefore  they  must  be
                Since chronic periodontitis is a slowly progressing disease and  coated  fully  with  composite.  Example  of  FRC  materials  are  Fiber
              rarely causes acute pain, there is a tendency among sufferers to delay  Splint  &  F-Splint  Aid  by  POLYDENTIA  SA,  EverStick  C  &  B,
              seeking treatment, to the point in time that the involved tooth or  EverStickPerio by GC, Ribbond etc.
              teeth become increasingly ever mobile and sometime reaches a stage  The whole beauty of this minimally invasive prosthesis is that it
              of exfoliating. Such a patient then seeks treatment for replacement  is very esthetic, economical and accomplished using minimum den-
              for the lost tooth. The dentist then faces the situation in which there  tal  materials  without  depending  on  any  extensive  or  expensive
              is very little bone left in the edentulous area to place an implant  equipment  or  laboratory  fabrication.  Unlike  in  a  procedure  like
              since slow bone resorption was going on in that area for a long time  crown preparation which requires preparation of two adjacent teeth
              resulting in not only a bucco-lingual loss but a vertical bone loss as  and also generates a lot of aerosols resulting in more exposure and
              well.                                                risk of high viral load transmission. Compared to a dental implant
                If we consider a FPD in that area and often times we see that the  it is non-surgical, non-invasive, economical and a quicker therapy
              abutments themselves are shaky and sensitive due to marked bone  enhancing patient acceptability. Over the years, I have done numer-
              loss and then the cost of a 3-unit or 4-unit FPD sometimes equals or  ous such prosthesis and have had very good success with their long
              exceeds the cost of an implant.                      term functioning.
                A geriatric patient specially might not be willing to spend a whole  The process of Natural Tooth Pontic follows below in this picto-
              lot of time and money on the procedures as well and the ideal situ-  rial case presentation.
              ation  would  be  to  preserve  what  is  there  and  involve  minimum
              intervention and minimum cost.
                Here is an example of a male patient in his early seventies with a
              mandibular right central incisor that was already affected by peri-
              odontal disease and got self-exfoliated.
                The adjacent tooth i.e. the mandibular left central incisor had a
              strange wear from all sides and hence needed a shape correction for
              better  esthetics.  Fortunately,  the  patient  did  not  throw  away  his

                                                  Article Citation
                 Chauhan, M. (2021).It is time for minimally invasive pros-
                            thetic dentistry.Dental Practice, 17(5), 36-38
                                                                   FIG 1A: Male Patient in his early seventies whose tooth #41 was loose got self-

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