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Despite challenges in these desperate A-dec and KaVo, two of the most respected names in
times, several NGOs, volunteers and the dental industry, are proud to announce a new col-
private enterprises have been actively laboration to deliver premier products and world-class
engaged in helping those in need by service to dental professionals worldwide – Excellence
providing food, shelter, medical care Amplified.
and other services. With a shared purpose and combined 169 years of
These selfless people have kept the industry experience, the two companies will now col-
spirit of humanity alive. laborate to offer additional integration solutions aimed
One such company is Pune based at enabling better clinical outcomes and patient experi-
dental company Reach Global. Recently ences. KaVo’s legacy of world-class performance and
they achieved the feat of having success- innovation combined with A-dec’s legendary reputa-
fully delivered over 10,000 food packets tion for quality and customer service makes this a pow-
to those in need in the Pune area. Apart erful collaboration.
from food they have been helping nearby villages with free masks and sanitizers A-dec President, Marv Nelson, announced the col-
as well as isolation beds. laboration to A-dec’s employees earlier this week, “The
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Reach Global has been committed to dental industry is all about human connection, and the
reaching out to the underprivileged and helping in any way they can. positive relationships we forge to work for the better-
This publication congratulates them on their constant efforts in offering ment of dentistry. A-dec’s commitment to this mission
hope to so many during this period of hardship. starts with our #1 core value, Concern for People: our
employees that create superior customer solutions of
the highest quality, and our valued partners that share
our high standards for service and dedication to our
mutual customers. Our new collaboration with KaVo
represents our unwavering commitment to the better-
ment of dentistry worldwide.”
KaVo Vice President & General Manager, Ronald
Linke, added about the collaboration, “It’s a special
opportunity when two industry leaders, each with a
proven track record of excellence in their respective
fields, can come together and collaborate with a mutu-
ally shared vision. We have devoted our business to
providing premium-quality products to dental clini-
cians, for over 100 years. We continuously seek to
improve our business and service to our customers.
dentAl SurGeonS StAGe ProteSt This collaboration, with an organization that demon-
strates the same level of commitment to its customers,
presents a clear opportunity for KaVo to support den-
tal professionals in new, innovative ways.”
Demanding creation of new
posts for dental surgeons in gov-
ernment hospitals across
Jammu and Kashmir, Dental
Surgeons Association Jammu
Kashmir (DSAJK) today held a
protest demonstration in front
of Press Club in the city of
Jammu. Scores of dental sur-
geons many of them not cur-
rently employed while carrying
pamphlets assembled outside
Press Club Jammu and started raising slogans in support of their demands
which include creation of new job avenues and opportunities for dental sur-
geons in rural areas as per the intake capacity with the help of various schemes
like Ayushman Bharat and School Dental Health Program.
64 Dental Practice // May-June 2021 // Vol 17 No 5