Page 69 - Dental Practice Vol 17 No.5_Neat
P. 69


                                         Pen mightier than the sword?

                                         www mightiest of them all!

                                         The  internet  has  been  an  irreplaceable  tool  is, the internet and its various platforms (read
                                         during the times of the pandemic. Isolated in  social  media  platforms)  proved  to  be  a  life-
                                         our little socially distanced silos, we have col-  saver to people who were helplessly hunting
                                         lectively  retained  our  sanity  and  connection  for  oxygen,  vital  medication  and  hospital
                                         with the outside world through digital means.  beds. The digitally powered networks of good
                                           In  these  indeterminate  times,  while  the  Samaritans  operating  these  platforms  have
              DR. SUSHANT UMRE           world  is  wading  through  this  novel  global  enabled strangers from across cities working
                                         threat, the world is also witnessing a learning  tirelessly in real time, to help those in desper-
                                         spree. This ability of the internet to connect us  ate need.
               5 COUNTER MEASURES        and keep us abreast with the developments in  Conversely, a lot of information available
               TO STOP THE SPREAD        the  world  of  medicine  and  healthcare  has  over  the  online  portals  is  false  and  wrongly
               OF MISINFORMATION         been  immensely  beneficial  to  us.  For  more  motivated. Experimental therapies, imaginary
                                         than a year now, the number of hours we, the  conspiracy  theories,  unscientific  advice  all
               1. Use publicly available fact
                checking sites like      medical professionals, have spent in front of  proliferate  at  the  speed  of  light.  Easy  and
                Factchecker and Truth or  our digital devices are countless with webina-  instant access to healthcare information is a
                Fiction to verify information.   rs, online workshops galore etc.   boon in so many ways, at the same time, it
               2. Encourage use of verified  With  the  recent  lockdown  restrictions  also serves to heighten panic, encourages self-
                open source platforms    being  lifted,  and  work  routines  and  Dental  medication  and  self-diagnosis.  It  is  easy  to
                among netizens. For
                instance, World Health   practices  being  reinstated,  we  are  faced  yet  misinterpret information for knowledge and
                Organisation has launched a  again, with another new challenge in the form  worse, expertise. Also while surfing, there is
                health alert on WhatsApp  of the black fungus. This fungus as we learn  an  obstinate  need  to  believe  the  worst.  The
                and Chatbot on Facebook  more,  is  ubiquitous  and  generally  harmless,  internet  has  been  the  single  greatest  catalyst
                Messenger to provide accu-
                rate information on corona  but  is  causing  mayhem  in  these  dystopian  for mass hypochondria.
                virus. WHO also has an   times.  The  impact  is  chiefly  noted  among  For instance, of late we dental professionals
                online platform that includes  Covid  recovered  diabetic  patients  (read  are  flooded  with  requests  from  patients  for
                                         immunosuppressed) who were administered  urgent checkups to rule out that the melanin
               3. Actively report false infor-  lifesaving steroids. Mucormycosis is not such  pigment  on  their  gums  or  some  vague  dis-
                mation to the platform
                administrators. e.g. Google  a rare infection, especially in India. (An aside:  comfort  in  their  jaw  is  not  black  fungus.
                removes misleading informa-  I  haven’t  encountered  a  single  case  of  While on one hand, having a more informed
                tion from YouTube and    Mucormycosis in my general dental practice  set  of  patients  who  are  able  to  receive  and
                Google Map; Twitter moni-  of four decades)                      implement expert advice knowledgeably can
                tors accounts that are credi-
                ble sources of information  Like my colleagues I also find myself scam-  be  an  advantage,  on  the  other,  for  the  vast
                about COVID-19. Public help  pering to the internet to know more about the  majority, it only creates panic.
                would further boost these  disease.  Needless  to  say,  the  information  Having too much information, too readily
                                         super-highway  that  the  internet  is,  it  never  available is a problem. Human mind is some-
               4. Be critical and overly   fails to deliver. You get information from aeti-  how wired to get enticed by the most deleteri-
                cautious when you look at
                social media. Try and have  ology, to disease progression, to its manage-  ous and search engines are designed to pop up
                debates on the ill effects of  ment, all in a matter of minutes from the best  the most searched hence we get sucked into
                the spread of false informa-  in the world.                      this  malicious  cycle.The  more  we  click  on
                tion with others on your net-  Internet has played an incredible role, espe-  adverse  information,  unintentionally  we
                work and educate them.
                                         cially in the lives of our medical colleagues in  ensure it stays in the forefront.
               5. Finally, let us not be agents
                of false information. Ask for  treating  patients  from  wherever  they  might  There is an urgent need to recognise this
                the source of the informa-  be. It has enabled patients to speak with doc-  problem. We need to talk to our friends, peers
                tion, personally verify and  tors of their choosing and consult them over  and family to refrain from furthering this neg-
                research the facts before  video/audio,  which  has  made  a  huge  differ-  ativity. Remember fear is the deadliest virus of
                adding oneself to the chain
                of forward messages.Often  ence at a time when personal contact of any  all.  Perhaps  the  best  course  is  to  limit  our
                it only takes a few clicks to  kind is best avoided and discouraged.  information  to  what  is  immediately  useful,
                detect false information.
                                           With  the  second  wave  highlighting  just  and to use Google exclusively to decide which
                                         how dilapidated our healthcare infrastructure  show to watch next.

                                                                         Dental Practice // May-June 2021 // Vol 17 No 5 69
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