Page 131 - Demo
P. 131

 राि-योगमिानरतः केवलं हठ-कशममणः ।
 एतानभ्याशसनो मरये प्रयास-फल-वस्िमतान् ॥ ४.७९॥
 Hathayogapradipika 4.79: There are practitioners of hatha yoga who do not have the knowledge of rajayoga. I consider them as mere practitioners because they derive no fruits for their efforts.
 सवे हठ-लयोपाया राियोगस्य शसधये ।
 राि-योग-समारूढः परुु षः काल-वञ्जचकः ॥ ४.१०३॥
 Hathayogapradipika 4.103: All the processes of hatha and laya yoga are but the means to attain raja yoga (samadhi). One who attains raja yoga is victorious over time (death).
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