Page 141 - Demo
P. 141

 न दह कस्श्चत्मक्षणमवप िातु ततष्ठत्मयकममकृत् । कायमते ह्यवशः कमम सवमः प्रकृततिैगमणु ैः ॥ ३-५॥
Bhagavadgita 3.5: In this world none whoever lives, remains without doing work even for a moment, at any time. Due to inherent qualities coming from the impressions of past works, all beings tend to act according to those qualities born of nature, in spite of their will.
 यज्ञाथात्मम कममणोऽरयत्र लोकोऽयं कममबरधनः । तदथं कमम कौरतेय मिु सङ्गः समाचर ॥ ३-९॥
Bhagavadgita 3.9: OArjuna! This world is subject to the bondage of work which is not performed as sacrifice (i.e. done with the purpose of My worship). Therefore perform work, being free from attachment, for that purpose.
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